
Posted: September 19, 2018

Math 8

-Students will have a formative test Friday and the summative test (one that counts) on Tuesday.  Extra help Monday at lunch.

-Practice questions can be found on page 83 of the student text with answers in the back of the book.  Suggested questions to use to study are Q 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8.


Math 7

-Today we spent a lot of time reviewing the homework.  Please see notes attached for corrections and examples of subtracting with counters as a model.  We started to look at number lines as medels.

-Students should be working on their Mathletics tasks at home.

Math 6

-Today we continued our work with place value.  We went over the homework and corrections can be found in the notes posted below. 

-Students are to complete the formative assignment.  This does not count for the report card but is used to help students know what type of questions will be on the test.  It will help them to identify what questions they know and what questions they need to review and study.  Sometimes they are collected and corrected by the teacher, other times we will correct them as a class.

-Summative test that counts will be Friday.

Science 8

-Students continue to film their video project.  Groups should be starting to move into the editing and re-shooting phase.  Presentations next week.

PDF icon sept_19th_math_7.pdf460.89 KB
PDF icon sept_19th_math_8.pdf223.65 KB
PDF icon sept_19th_math_6.pdf216.01 KB