
Posted: October 29, 2019

Math 8

-We went over how to fill in tables.   We corrected homework from the book.  We also practiced our mental math for multiplying with the game “BING”.

-Students were given the October review sheet.  This can be done using their notes.  Student may work with a tutor on this assignment.  The idea is to promote regular review of material covered this year.   The assignment is to be passed in Monday.  It counts for the report card.

-Test was passed back to be signed.   Students wishing to do a rewrite will need to make corrections and see me to arrange a time to re-write.

Math 7

-Re-writes were passed back to be signed.

-We reviewed with the grade 6 how to find the equation and expression for a data table.

-Grade 7 reviewed how to solve expressions given the value of the variable.  We also reviewed the vocabulary for the algebra unit.  Time was given to work on Mathletics tasks that are due Sunday night.  Remember to check under your avatar and switch between your two Mathletics classes as there are assignments in each.

- Tomorrow students will be given their review sheet for October.  The goal is to promote regular review of material covered.  One assignment will be given at the end of each month.  Students may use their notes on these assignments.   Student may also work on them with a tutor.  Students will have one week to complete the assignment.  This assignment will count on the report card.

Math 6 from the split.

-We reviewed multiplication with a games.  We watched two videos on finding and naming the relationships, expression and equation for a pattern and data in a data table.  We did two examples together (see notes).  Time was given to work on the October review assignment that is due Friday.

Math 6

-We watched two videos on identifying the expressions and equations in data tables.  We did two examples together.   Time was given to work on Mathletics tasks that are due Sunday night and the review assignment that is due Friday.  Students may use their notes to complete the review assignment.  The goal is to get them reviewing all material covered.  We will be doing one assignment like this each month.