
Posted: November 28, 2019

Science 7

-Procedures were passed back with feedback.  We went over the requirements of the procedure.  Students need to list equipment, quantities of material, use correct units, steps need to be detailed, mention of how observations and measurement are being reordered.  Validity and bias need to be referenced.   Time was given to make corrections.  Students will have time in class tomorrow to conference.  Good copy is due Monday.

Math 7

-We went over section 3.1 and 3.2 of text today.   Students will have an assessment tomorrow to identify who can identify décimal périodique and décimal fini.  Students need to be able to switch fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.    Those who pass will move on to ordering numbers and fractions while those who do not pass will get some re-teaching.

Math 6 from split

-Students worked with Mr. Walsh today on estimating and multiplying decimals by a whole number.  The worksheet is to be completed for tomorrow.  Tomorrow students and I will work on base ten models.

Math 6

-We reviewed how to use base 10 models to multiply decimals by whole numbers.  We then went over how to round numbers to do estimations.  Students completed a review sheet.    Mr. Walsh and I conferenced with students to correct estimations and multiplications.  Corrections need to be done before students can try the formative test.

Science 8

-Math test was passed back and should be signed.  Students that got less than 50% are asked to come to extra help on Monday for re-teaching.

-Today we started to work on Analyze and explain outcomes. 

We reviewed the following concepts:

How to identify points in a graph.

How to fill in a table from a graph.

How to describe trends in a graph.

How to identify the trend in a table.

How to predict results using data from a table or graph.

How to identify points that do not follow the trend.

-An assignment was passed out and 20 minutes was given to work on it.  Students were asked to complete this assignment for homework.