November 2nd grade 8

Posted: November 2, 2021

All work can be found in Teams and OneNote.   For those students who can not get this option to work below you will find work to keep you up to date.

Math 8

Today we are reviewing area of rectangles and paraellograms from grade 7.  Our next topic is surface area of 3d shapes.   I have posted three videos on my youtube channel to watch and then an assignment for practice to confirm that you are ready to move onto the grade 8 work.

Science 8

Today we continue our work on refraction.   I posted a video on my youtube channel to go over the questions from yesterday.   You can watch it and add information you may have missed into your notes from yesterday.   I was able to correct some of them that were done earlier in the day yesterday.  You will see my feedback in your notes.

After the video, their is a section of Omniscience 8 page 111 that I would like you to read.   It is a follow up to the lab we did last week.

In the homework section of OneNote science 8   (click on your name, click on Homework section, click on todays date) are the questions for you to answer today.   Again, only you and I can see pages as long as you click on your name first.   Look back latter for feedback.


I was bussy all day with questions for you all.   Send me a chat or email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.   We had 25 of 29 students in our class online working yesterday.