
Posted: October 23, 2010

In our Thursday morning announcements, news anchors, Chandler and Saood granted happy birthday wishes to Judge Judy.  Well, Chandler's mom thought it would be neat to send her a link to our morning announcements with our birthday wishes.  Judge Judy was really touched and responded with a kind letter and compliments to both Chandler and Saood along with a promise to forward some personal autographed photos.  Great job team!

Posted: October 22, 2010

 The topic of conversation for many of our students was what we could do to protect the plants and animals living within our local habitats before they become endangered.  Kouchibouguac park interpreter, Gaston, lead us through some insightful dialogue today.  He also gave us an opportunity to touch a real wolf pelt.  The students really enjoyed his presentation!

Posted: October 20, 2010

 The students of Gretna Green had a special visitor today. Author, song-writer and entertainer, Coach Pat, shared with the students his original songs and a book he published on bullying.  He delivered a very positive message to our students and they were all thoroughly entertained.  Thanks Coach Pat!

Posted: October 18, 2010

The Gretna Green soccer team finished off their season by hosting one of the District 16 Elementary Soccer jamborees over the weekend.  Following some solid soccer action and great team spirit they came away with a silver medal after facing off with NSEE in the finals.  Congratulations on another wonderful season boys and girls.  You represented our school exceptionally well!

Posted: October 15, 2010

 The entire K-3 team of students and teachers of Gretna Green would like to tip their hats to Croft Elementary for a phenomenal job hosting today's Heritage Fair.  The students savoured a wide assortment of cultural song, dance, cuisine and historical lessons.  It proved to be an excellent authentic learning opportunity for everyone involved.  We appreciate the amount of time and effort that was extended by our friends and colleagues from Croft Elementary and for that, we thank you!

Posted: October 13, 2010

Students have worked hard to write and record original songs for the Morning Announcement Theme Song Contest and you can vote now on your favorite one! The songs can be found on the Theme Song Page which in under Quick Links, or click here !  The polls are open now and will remain open for 4 days.  The top three groups will have an opportunity to go to James M Hill Memorial High School Recording Studio to record their songs!  Record your vote on the bottom of our main page.

Posted: October 12, 2010

Registration for children entering Kindergarten in September 2011 will be held from October 12th to October 15th, 2010 at your community school.  Parents are reminded that Kindergarten attendance in 2011-2012 is compulsory for children born in 2006, except if a child is born between September 1st and December 31st of that year.  These children have the option of starting Kindergarten the following year.  If you have a child entering Kindergarten next year, please call the school at 778-6099 or visit the main office between 8:30 am-3:00 pm to have him or her registered.

Posted: October 6, 2010

 We have had an excellent response from our Gretna Green students regarding the theme song contest for morning announcements!  Next week all those students who have entered will have the opportunity to create a podcast of their song.  These songs will then be posted on our school website as an audio clip.  This will give all students the opportunity to listen to the theme song entries.  A poll will then be set up on the school homepage that will allow our students to vote for their pick of our morning announcement.  This will involve all of our students in on our final choice for our morning s

Posted: October 6, 2010

 The GG Times Crew are preparing for yet another season of awesome interviews.  The crew received a training session today from GG Times Crew Alumni, Bailey, Zachary and A.J.  Our presenters did a fantastic job and it was an excellent learning opportunity for everyone involved.  We hope to have our first GG Times video created and uploaded to our school website in the near future, so stay tuned!  Thanks again to Bailey, Zachary and A.J. for taking time out of their busy schedules to deliver this awesome training session.

Posted: October 5, 2010

Our fundraising campaign kicked off today and will continue until Monday, October 18th. This year we are selling the Atlantic Community Coupon Booklets and the always popular QSP Magazine Subscriptions.  Prizes this year for the top fundraisers include a Wii, a digital video camera, a digital camera, draws for special seat tickets to our Christmas Concert and a movie gift certificate. This year's fundraiser will help raise funds for programs and activities that will benefit all the children at Gretna Green Elementary. Thank you for your continued support and happy fundraising!


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