
Posted: May 1, 2013

 Our school SPCA fundraiser ended today with an official presentation to Ms. Marilyn Sturgeon-Duplessie of the SPCA.  We are happy to inform you that over 250 items were donated along with monetary donations to support the Miramichi SPCA.  The students of Gretna Green realized the positive impact they can have on  our community when they work together as a team towards a good cause.  Way to Gretna Green!!!

Posted: April 28, 2013

 There will be no school for students on Thursday, May 2nd and Friday, May 3rd.  Teachers will be involved in professional development sessions and their annual NBTA AGM.  

Posted: April 27, 2013

 Our first "Career Day at Gretna Green" was held on Friday and proved to be a huge success for everyone involved.  Students and staff were encouraged to come to school dressed up in what they wanted to be when they grew up.  This culminated with all students being paid a special visit by the Miramichi Police, Miramichi Fire Department, Rogers Cabel 10 and DNR.  Students were prepared with questions for our special guests and given a taste of what their selected professions looked like on any given day.  Thanks again to Mr. Stewart for making this special memory for our students happen!

Posted: April 24, 2013

Soccer registration is still going on. If you missed the 2 registration days, you can still register.  Go on the MUSC website to find the registration form.  Then, mail the registration form and the payment to the address found on the bottom of the form.  Late registration fee will need to be added on after May 1st.  MUSC are still looking for coaches, if you or someone you know is interested; please note it on the form.

Posted: April 24, 2013

 Congratulations to Mme Gallant's class who won this month's Mango Challenge.  This month's challenge was Healthy Lunches.  Well done class!

Posted: April 24, 2013

 Today is administrative assistant day and we are showing how much we care about our very own Mrs. Clark at Gretna Green!  Students and staff presented her with gifts and cards throughout the day and she was very appreciative of the extra attention.  You rock Mrs. Clark!

Posted: April 22, 2013

The Gretna Green Drama Club will be performing the musical Sleeping Beauty on Thursday, May 30 at 7:00 pm in the gymnasium.  Everyone is welcome!

Posted: April 22, 2013

 Our very own parent, Pauline Nelson, was recognized today for volunteering in our morning breakfast program.  Mrs. Nelson stepped up to help continue our breakfast program for the remainder of the year following Mrs. Young's departure. To help recognize her for her dedication to this worthwhile program she was recognized with a special certificate today.  So if you see her in your travels make sure you tell her, thanks!

Posted: April 21, 2013

All students are invited to come to school on Friday, April 26th dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up.  We will be hosting a career day that will see special visitors join us at school.  Police, ambulance and other professions will be on site to show us their vehicles and speak of their careers.  Let's hope our students will get a better idea of what they want to be when they grow up.

Posted: April 11, 2013

  There will be a parent information meeting for grade 3 and 6 entry for French Immersion programs for  St. Andrew’s Elementary; Dr. Losier Middle School; Croft, Gretna Green and Harkin’s Middle Schools.  All parents interested in enrolling their child in grade 3 French Immersion at Gretna Green should attend.  Applications can be picked up in the office.  Here are the details regarding the upcoming meeting. WHEN: Tuesday, April 16th, 6:30 P.M. WHERE: Dr. Losier Middle School Auditorium, 124 Henderson Street, Miramichi NB. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Friday, May 17th.


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