
Posted: May 29, 2013

We want to encourage our students to continue reading over the summer so we are going to continue our Summer Reading Program again this year.  Our children all have books at home that they have read and they could use some new ones for the summer.  We are asking students to bring in books to “swap” for “new” ones with other students.           WHEN:  Monday June 17, 2013                 (throughout the morning in Mrs. Morehouse’s classroom)   WHAT:  Students bring in books that they no longer want to read and                           are willing to donate to the Summer Reading Swap.

Posted: May 28, 2013

 Mr. Stewart recently completed the training session for next year's Peer Helper group.  The peer helpers are now fully trained and ready to assist our students on the playground in resolving issues that may arise.  We would like to thank Mr. Stewart for providing this unique learning for our students once again this year.  Congratulations to all of our grade 4 students who were selected. Bravo boys and girls!

Posted: May 27, 2013

 Our very own Dylan Dodge is the proud recipient of the 2013 ASD-N TURN AROUND AWARD presented this evening in a gala where Dylan was surrounded by family and friends.  We are all so pleased with the progress Dylan has shown throughout his memorable school years with us at Gretna Green Elementary.  Bravo Dylan.  We are all so proud of you!

Posted: May 27, 2013

This is a very busy week for the Gretna Green Drama Club and Choir.  This Thursday, they have their dress rehearsal in preparation for Thursday evening's performance of Sleeping Beauty.  The show starts at 7 pm in the gymnasium and everyone is welcome.  Sleeping Beauty will also be presented on Friday morning at 10:15 for students.

Posted: May 27, 2013

Is physical activity really good for you? Did you know that by increasing your physical activity you can greatly reduce your chances of getting sick?  You will also be happier and healthier!  Playing outside with your friends is a fun and easy way to stay physically active.Running improves your heart, lungs, flexibility, and gives you more energy! Running can also help you improve in other sports.  Don’t forget to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day!  Lace up your sneakers and get out there to accumulate Kilometers and “Go for 42.”  

Posted: May 21, 2013

More great news for our students working on the video game collaboration with NBCC-Miramichi.  Defenders of Middle Island will be featured at the Jalloo Festival of Animation here in Miramichi.  On June 19, from 4:30 to 6:00, our students' game will be featured during the Showcase and Arcade, which is open to the general public.  Project participants, family members, students, and staff are welcome to attend.

Posted: May 20, 2013

Thanks to the Douglastown Gretna Green Scouts club and parents of Gretna Green our playground green space recieved a face lift over the weekend.  Many hours were spent delimbing and removing dead trees to improve the overall accesibility of this renewed green space adjacent to our playground.  Great job everyone, the new look is awesome!

Posted: May 17, 2013

        Congratulations to Skyler (5G) whose logo was chosen for the Defenders of Middle Island video game collaboration!  Skyler is a valued contributer to the project and we are very proud of his efforts!  Skyler's logo will be featured prominently in the game design.  Way to go!!!

Posted: May 17, 2013

Posted: May 16, 2013

  The Third Annual Kin Film Fest will be held Sunday, May 26 at Miramichi Valley High School Theatre beginning at 6 PM and the Submission Deadline has now been extended to Tuesday May 21st at midnight! Any films created since May of last year are eligible to be entered. Top winning submissions we will be awarded cash prizes of $250, $150 and $100 in each of two categories.   Thanks to the support of the Miramichi Kinsmen, this is a great opportunity to showcase more of our students' exceptional work at Gretna Green.  Further information can be found at the Film Festival website:


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