We would like to remind our entire GG learning community that there will be no school for students on Friday, April 14th due to parent-teacher interviews in the morining and professional development sessions for staff in the afternoon.
We would like to extend a Happy Easter Weekend to our entire GG learning community! We would also like to remind you that there will be no school for all Gators on Friday, April 7th and Monday, April 10th. Enjoy your Easter weekend everyone!
We have lots planned for Student Appreciation Week! Check out our schedule below and remember to please dress for the weather. Special thanks to GG staff for organizing our week. Don't forget to come out and cheer on our middle level boys basketball team as they play in the district finals on Monday @ 4:30 in our school gym!
We would like to remind our entire learning community that Monday, February 20th is family day. There will be no school on this day for all students in New Brunswick, enjoy the extended weekend!
Local artist, Allie Howe, (Brianna's dad) was busy during the past 3 weeks giving our school entry way a fresh new look with this beautiful painted mural. We all look forward to the new look once completed in the coming weeks, thanks Allie!
Let's make our final week before our Christmas break a fun one Gators! Let's get into the holiday spirit by partipating in the following theme days ...
We are happy to inform you that our annual Christmas Concert will be held on Thursday, December 15th @ 10:00 am in our school gymnasium. All visitors must use our gym entrance doors and they will open at 9:30 am. Parking will be available in our bus loop after 9:15 am only. We look forward to showing you our amazing muscial talent and spreading our holiday cheer!
We would like to remind our entire learning community that there will be no school for students on Friday, Dec 2nd due to an ASD-N professional learning day for school staff. There will also be no school for students on Friday, December 9th as this day is a designated day for parent-teacher in the morning and PL in the afternoon for our teaching staff.