Mr. Glazier Notes



Posted: November 7, 2022

Please note that GG's Remembrance Day program will take place this Thursday, Nov 10th at 10 a.m. in the school gymnasium. Our class will be singing Oh Canada. 

Posted: October 25, 2022

Welcome back to our final full week of October. We have a spooky week ahead of us.  

Costume parade will take place this Friday at 1:30 in our school gymnasium. Students are to bring their costumes to school and time will be set aside prior to parade to get costumed up. 

I am also in the process of creating an information pamphelt to be sent home regarding a new library app. It is an online NB library that students can access using their NBSS usernames and passwords (to be provided) It has an amazing up-to-date selection of e-books and audiobooks in English and French, Students can sign out and place holds on books, as they would at a regular library. They can also access from school and home. This app would be an excellent compliment to "Jelisjelis" that was sent home last week. Please stay tuned. 

 P.S. Wouldn't mind a quick e-mail/note just to see if parents/guardians are reading my posts for curiosity sacks :) 


Posted: October 17, 2022

Welcome back! I look forward to hearing about students’ adventures over the weekend. Please return all fundraiser tickets (sold/unsold) to school this Friday, October 21st.

French - We will be practicing and rehearsing the sound "Éé" this week. We also continue with Halloween related activities. Weekly words of the week have been coming along nicely in class as well. Friday’s, we have an impromptu “quiz” and students have been doing well. 

Math - We continue to learn about numeracy i.e., place value, representing numbers pictorially, visually and within a table. Additionally, we have been practicing our skip counting along with increasing and decrease numbers.

The following are a few reminds for the week:

 ** Please continue to send a dated note if your child is to be picked up after school and/or attend an activity. **

- Tuesday library

- Wednesday is Take Me Outside Day ( Due to the impending weather, we will be outside for most of the day on Friday. Please dress appropriately. 

- Friday - We celebrate student success

Let's have a fantastic week :) 

Posted: October 17, 2022

If you happen to have any spare egg cartons at home, could you please send them to school by Friday. I will have a few spares on hand. Students will be doing a scavenger hunt outside as part of National Take Me Outside Day. 


Posted: October 12, 2022

Welcome Back! I trust everyone had a restful Thanksgiving weekend :)

French - Our theme for the remainder of the month will be Halloween. Students are learning new vocabulary, completing theme related writing activities, and also utilizing online resources. Guided reading with the teacher will commence next week during center work.

Math - We continue with our numeracy unit. Our focus this week is greater than, less than and equal numbers.

Few Reminders:

- Library Tuesday afternoon

-School Fundraiser begins. Packages sent home in green homework folder.

- Fire Prevention Week. Activity booklets provided by MFD have been sent home.

- Firefighter presentation in the gym Wednesday morning.

- Student of the week Friday.

Let's have a great week. Fee free to reach out if you have any questions. Cheers :) 

Posted: October 3, 2022

Welcome back to our first full week of October. Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

French - Students are practicing their words of the week daily and complete a review on Fridays. This week and next, students will be learing new vocabulary pertaining to Thanskgiving and completing various themed activities. I continue to do reading running records individually to assess current reading levels. You can appreciate that this takes a considerable amount of time.

Math - We continue to practice and represent numbers up to 10,000. This week, students will be breaking down large numbers into their individual "family" values.

Weather permitting, we will be going for a walk everyday this week on our trails prior to dismissal to get some fresh air and enjoy all that fall has to offer. 

The following are a few reminders for the week:

- Please continue to send dated notes if your child is to be picked up after school and/or attend an activity

- Tuesday library


Posted: September 26, 2022

Welcome back to our last week of September. Students have settled in nicely.

French - We are learning new sounds, words; and have completed activities related to ourselves and what makes us unique. 

Math - We continue to practice and represent numbers up to 10,000 using various descriptions i.e. visually, chart, etc. 

The following are a few reminders for the week:

- Please continue to send dated notes if your child is to be picked up after school and/or attend an activity

- Tuesday library

- Thursday - Orange Shirt Day and monthly assembly in the gym.

- Friday No school (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation)

Posted: September 16, 2022

Please ensure that name's and date are written on any notes sent to school. Sometimes, I find them on the floor, hallway, etc. and have to play Sherlock Holmes to find out. Thanks. 

Posted: September 12, 2022

Welcome to our first full week of September. I would like to commend your child for an awesome and smooth transition back to our new normal. Please note that I update my page regularly, so please continue to check-in :)

Few notes:

  • Please ensure green folder bag is returned to school daily. I check each morning for notes, lunch orders, etc.
  • Library will be Monday afternoon
  • Theme week. Please refer to school calanedar placed in student's green home folders today.

French - I will begin reading with students to asses their current levels. I am also in the process of registering students to various French resources websites to practice at school. 

Math - We are reviewing our numbers up to 100 concretly, pictorially, and symbolically.

Let's have a great week. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please send me a note or e-mail. Cheers :)

PS If you have any pictures of special events, etc., please send them along. We will share with the class.

Posted: June 20, 2022

We received a special meal notice Friday while we were at Kouchibouguac. The hot dog meal notice will be sent home today (Monday, June 20th). Please return notice and $7 first thing tomorrow (Tuesday, June 21th) morning if your child wishes to have the meal. This will be the only meal served at the cafeteria. Pre-orders can be filled out online if you wish.

Posted: June 13, 2022

Friendly reminder that this Friday, June 17th is our field trip to Kouchibouguac. Track and Field will be Monday, June 20th with a rain date of Tuesday, June 21st.

Posted: June 9, 2022

I will be posting pictures soon of our salmon release. The students had a fantastic trip! Our next field trip is next Friday (June 17/22) to Kouchibouguac. 

Posted: June 2, 2022

Please return any library books that may be at home. The librarian is in the process of completeing her year end inventory. Thanks. 

Posted: May 17, 2022

2 permission slips have been placed in your child's book bag today. They are for our two June field trips. Please sign and return as soon as possible. Thanks. 
