Mr. Glazier Notes



Posted: October 3, 2022

Welcome back to our first full week of October. Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

French - Students are practicing their words of the week daily and complete a review on Fridays. This week and next, students will be learing new vocabulary pertaining to Thanskgiving and completing various themed activities. I continue to do reading running records individually to assess current reading levels. You can appreciate that this takes a considerable amount of time.

Math - We continue to practice and represent numbers up to 10,000. This week, students will be breaking down large numbers into their individual "family" values.

Weather permitting, we will be going for a walk everyday this week on our trails prior to dismissal to get some fresh air and enjoy all that fall has to offer. 

The following are a few reminders for the week:

- Please continue to send dated notes if your child is to be picked up after school and/or attend an activity

- Tuesday library


Posted: September 26, 2022

Welcome back to our last week of September. Students have settled in nicely.

French - We are learning new sounds, words; and have completed activities related to ourselves and what makes us unique. 

Math - We continue to practice and represent numbers up to 10,000 using various descriptions i.e. visually, chart, etc. 

The following are a few reminders for the week:

- Please continue to send dated notes if your child is to be picked up after school and/or attend an activity

- Tuesday library

- Thursday - Orange Shirt Day and monthly assembly in the gym.

- Friday No school (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation)

Posted: September 16, 2022

Please ensure that name's and date are written on any notes sent to school. Sometimes, I find them on the floor, hallway, etc. and have to play Sherlock Holmes to find out. Thanks. 

Posted: September 12, 2022

Welcome to our first full week of September. I would like to commend your child for an awesome and smooth transition back to our new normal. Please note that I update my page regularly, so please continue to check-in :)

Few notes:

  • Please ensure green folder bag is returned to school daily. I check each morning for notes, lunch orders, etc.
  • Library will be Monday afternoon
  • Theme week. Please refer to school calanedar placed in student's green home folders today.

French - I will begin reading with students to asses their current levels. I am also in the process of registering students to various French resources websites to practice at school. 

Math - We are reviewing our numbers up to 100 concretly, pictorially, and symbolically.

Let's have a great week. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please send me a note or e-mail. Cheers :)

PS If you have any pictures of special events, etc., please send them along. We will share with the class.

Posted: June 20, 2022

We received a special meal notice Friday while we were at Kouchibouguac. The hot dog meal notice will be sent home today (Monday, June 20th). Please return notice and $7 first thing tomorrow (Tuesday, June 21th) morning if your child wishes to have the meal. This will be the only meal served at the cafeteria. Pre-orders can be filled out online if you wish.

Posted: June 13, 2022

Friendly reminder that this Friday, June 17th is our field trip to Kouchibouguac. Track and Field will be Monday, June 20th with a rain date of Tuesday, June 21st.

Posted: June 9, 2022

I will be posting pictures soon of our salmon release. The students had a fantastic trip! Our next field trip is next Friday (June 17/22) to Kouchibouguac. 

Posted: June 2, 2022

Please return any library books that may be at home. The librarian is in the process of completeing her year end inventory. Thanks. 

Posted: May 17, 2022

2 permission slips have been placed in your child's book bag today. They are for our two June field trips. Please sign and return as soon as possible. Thanks. 

Posted: May 10, 2022

Welcome back! I'm looking forward to a beautiful sunny week. We will begin to slowly take our classroom learning outside from time to time. On a side note, we also have pumpkin seeds planted in our classroom, which will be planted in our school community garden in June. 

FYI - A field trip notice for our salmon release and seperate year end field trip will be sent home to be signed and returned next week. 

French - I will begin assessing students reading individually this week in preparation for year end report cards. We also continue to practice our high frequency words daily and comprehension skills. 

Math - We will use our time this week to review measurement. Moving forward, students will be learning all about geometry and 3D shapes. 

Health - We continue to talk about emotions. I am still in need of a few more flyers to complete a Canada's Food Guide project with students. If you have any spare one's at home, please send with your child. 

As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!

Posted: May 4, 2022

May the 4th be with you! Please note my teacher page was down for the past two weeks. I will be posting again next week :)

PS...our next field trip will be on Thursday, June 9th. We will be visiting the salmon hatchery followed by our salmon egg release in Wayerton. A notice will be going home in June.  

Posted: April 5, 2022

Welcome back to our first full week of April. Report cards will be going home Monday, April 11th. 

French - We continue to speak, read and write daily en français. Please continue to utilize "Je lis je lis" for reading. We are continuing with our spring theme.

Math - We will commence our new measurement unit this week, Our focus will be units (cm, cm2, m) and when to apply them.

Social Studies - We continue to learn all about New Brunswick i.e. demographics, topography, etc. 

Health - We will be learning all about Canada's new food guide this week. Could you please send in grocery flyers with your son/daughter for a fun project we will undertake later in the month.

Health - We will begin to talk about emotions. Later in the month, students will create a mindfullness jar with clear glue and sparkles. 

As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!

Posted: April 4, 2022

Please note I will be back to school tomorrow. My weekly update will take place Tuesday :) 

Posted: March 29, 2022

Welcome back to our last week of March. Report cards are just around the corner. 

Our salmon eggs have settled and are a big draw with students. I am planning a day in June to release the eggs in Wayerton. If all goes to plan, I will have a fishieries officer join us to explain their role in conserving salmon. 

French - We continue to speak, read and write daily en français. Please continue to utilize "Je lis je lis" for reading. We are continuing with our spring theme.

Math - This is our last week for number sense and a review of subtraction strategies. We will be moving on to measurement next week. 

Social Studies - We continue to learn all about New Brunswick i.e. demographics, topography, etc. 

Health - Health class begins next week. We will be talking about Canada's Food Guide. Later in the month, I will be asking students to brings flyers from home to complete a fun food assignment.

As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!

Posted: March 21, 2022

Welcome to French and Science Week at GG. We have an eventful 4 days planned for students. Please refer to my recent post in regards to "La Semaine de la Francophonie" and the attached link for Science Week.NB Science Week 2022 March 21-24 | STEM NORTH (

Our salmon eggs from the hatchery are due to arrive today. Mr. Grant Henry from the Miramichi Salmon Association will be giving students a brief presentation about salmon to the students.

Please note that there is NO school for students Friday. It is a professional learning day for all educators. 

French - We continue to speak, read and write daily en français. Please continue to utilize "Je lis je lis" for reading. Our theme will be "Le printemps"

Math - We continue to spend the remainder of the month learning different subtraction strategies and strenghtening our sense of numbers. 

Social Studies - We will continue learning specifically about New Brunswick i.e. demographics, topography, etc. 

As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!
