Mr. Glazier Notes



Posted: November 14, 2016

Welcome back! Report cards go home today Monday (Nov 14th). Please ensure that the response form is signed and return. Parent-teachers interviews are Thursday from 4-7 p.m. and Friday morning from 9-11 p.m.

French – This week Grade 6 students are writing their rough copies of an adventure and/or personal writing piece. Grade 7 students will be drafting their introductions of a mystery story and the grade 8 will be doing research in the computer lab to support the details of their explanatory writing piece. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math – This week students will learn how to use variables to describe patterns. Thursday will serve as a review day. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home.

If you have any questions, please contact me at school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!

Posted: November 9, 2016

Welcome back! Please note that our school Remembrance Day service will be held Thursday morning in the gymnasium…”Lest We Forget” Report cards go home on Monday (Nov 14th). Parent-teachers interviews next Thursday evening and Friday morning.

French - Grade 6 students were introduced to the elements of an adventure and/or personal writing piece. Likewise grade 7 students have commenced a mystery story and the grade 8 have outlined and begun an explanatory writing piece. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math - We have begun our new unit on patterns and equations. Students have been exploring patterns within columns in a table of values via input/output machines. Relationships amongst lager tables consisting of more than one column have also been explored. Input and output values have been described using various pattern rules. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home.

If you have any questions, please contact me at school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!

Posted: October 31, 2016

Welcome back and Happy Halloween! Wednesday is “Bring your Child to Work Day” Welcome to all students and alumni who will be at GG for the day.

French – Students will be presenting their final copies of their respective writing pieces this week. Next, grade 6 students will either commence an adventure or personal text, whilst the 7s will either be writing an intriguing or mystery text, and the grade 8s will undertake an explanatory text. Writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math – Unit 2 test Tuesday (integers, factors, multiples, prime and composite numbers, and order of operations). Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home. I can make arrangements to do so :) Graphing (Unit 1) will commence Wednesday with identifying and plotting points.

If you have any questions, please contact me at school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!

Posted: October 26, 2016

Welcome back! A reminder to everyone that there will be a Halloween dance Thursday, Oct 27th in the cafeteria from 6-8 for grades 6 to 8 students. Costumes are permitted (no marks). Thursday is also Orange and Black day at school.

French - Grade 6 students will be writing their good copies of their biographies or descriptive writing piece. The grade 7 and 8's will be respectively finalizing their good copies of their writing pieces. Throughout the week, students will strengthen their reading, comprehension skills, grammar (verbs), homophones, and oral proficiency. Friday continue to be a review day of materials covered throughout the week. Next week, grade 6 students will either commence an adventure or personal text, whilst the 7s will either be writing an intriguing or mystery text, and the grade 8s will undertake an explanatory text. Writing traits continue to be taught throughout.

Math - Students will be reviewing materials covered to date throughout the week. Any unfinished work will be sent home to complete. Test next week. On that note, please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to compete at home. I can make arrangements to do so :) Our next unit of study will be graphing.

If you have any questions, please contact me at school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!

Posted: October 17, 2016

Welcome back! A reminder to everyone that Gretna Green's school website is updated daily. Please take time to see what everyone has been up to and be on the look out for important notices and upcoming events.

French - Grade 6 students continue to write their draft and/or have moved on to editing amongst themselves/partner copies of their autobiographies whilst other's work on a biography writing piece. The grade 7 and 8's are respectively undertaking the same process as they develop their specific writing pieces based on their grade level. Throughout the week, students will strengthen their reading, comprehension skills, grammar (verbs), and oral proficiency. Friday will serve as a review day of materials covered in class.

Math - Students will expand their knowledge of facteurs with the use of Venn diagrams, rainbow diagrams, and factor trees. Any unfinished work will be sent home to complete. On that note, please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to compete at home. I can make arrangements to do so :) A reminder that Friday's classes serve as a review/catch-up on work day.

If you have any questions, please contact me at school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!

Posted: October 11, 2016

Welcome back! I trust everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend and filled themselves with turkey. Hard to believe we are already well into our second week of October.

French - This week, our focus will be on organization and structure as grade 6 students write their draft copies of their autobiogrphies whilst other's work on a biography writing piece. The grade 7 class will also be working on a biography, whilst the grade 8 students will either be working on a personal journal or a biography. Throughout, students will strenghten their vocabulary, oral proficiency, and reading/comprehension.

Math - We will continue to work on order of operations (excluding exponents). Likewise, students will also be learning abour primary and composite numbers. Again, please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to compete at home. I can make arrangements to do so :) A reminder that Friday's classes serve as a review/catch-up on work day.


Posted: September 30, 2016

Welcome back! Another great week in 6-7-8 (FI) Glazier. A reminder to parents/guardians that Thursday, Oct 7th and Friday, Oct 8th will be professional development days for teachers, hence NO school for your son(s)/daughter(s). Also, feel free to check out the pictures from our amazing time spent in Tatamagouche, NS on the school website. It was a wonderful experience for all!

French - Next week we will continue with the "Ideas" theme for our writing traits as we commence a new Informatif writing piece. Grades 6-7 students will be expanding their autobiogrphies while other will be working towards creating a biography. Grade 8 students will either be working on a personal journal or a biography as well. Wednesday's classes will incorporate a Thanksgiving theme. Students will complete a comprehension assignment and build upon their current vocabulary.

Math - Pop quiz on Monday relating to place value of numbers greater than 1 million. Next, we will work on order of operations (excluding exponents). Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to compete at home. I can make arrangements to do so :) A reminder that Friday's classes serve as a review/catch-up on work day. Next week I will be posting various links to math sites that students are explore at home. In the upcoming weeks, I am excited to announce that we will also begin to incorporate various forms of technology in the classroom whilst competing our math. Stay tuned :)

Feel free to contact me at school if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns. I will return your messages as promplty as I can. Cheers.


Posted: September 16, 2016

Our frst full week in 6/7/8 FI Glazier. Please check your son/daughter's agenda as important notices concerning next week's trip have been sent home.

French (6,7,8 FI) - Monday, we will review our idea web in preparation for your first draft of our autobiography. We will also continue to differention between different homophones (words that are pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning/spelling) throughout the year as we progress in our writing. A comprehension assignment will also take place if time permits.

Math (6FI) - Our focus for Monday will be to review our understanding of intergers (last week's assignemnts) i.e. postive and negative numbers, whole numbers, number lines, great than, less than, and equal to.

Tuesday - Friday will are off to enjoy an exceptional experience in Tatamagouche, NS!!! Stay tuned for pictures of our class adventure :)

A reminders to parents and guardians that if at any time throughout the year you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns to please contact me at school. I will respond via phone call within a timely manner.





Posted: September 14, 2016

Tim Horton Camp field trip permisson slips are due tomorrow! Meet the teacher meetings will also be held tomorrow commencing at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Cheers!

Posted: September 9, 2016

What a fantactic week! I enjoyed meeting students and parents as we embrace another academic year in our new school. We spent most of the week reviewing policies, procedures, expectations, and routines.

French (6,7,8 FI) - Monday, we will commence writing. Our goal for the month of September will be an autobiography of one's self. Whilst writing, students will enhance their knowledge of the writing traits, grammar, vocabulary, revision and editing with the entent to publish. Friday's will serve as a review of the week.

Math (6FI) - Our focus for the next 5 weeks will be to better undertsand numbers. Work and discussions will evole around the following: integers, place value, solving problems with large numbers with caluculators, prime and composite numbers, along with order of operations.

A reminders to parents and guardians that if at any time throughout the year you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns to please contact me at school. I will respond via phone call within a timely manner.



