Mr. Glazier Notes



Posted: October 16, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 3FI Glazier. The cool fall weather is upon us. Please remember to pack a hat and warm jacket for morning recess.

French - This week’s sound will be (Eè). Homework binders will be sent home to practice along with a new song (“123 Les couleurs”) Please practice all week and return Friday. Homework has commenced. Your child has a book to read nightly. Please ensure that their book is return daily and that they have colored in their reading log sheet. We will also continue to talk about ourselves and our friends as well as Halloween themed activities.

Math - An information letter regarding what is being taught in math class has been sent home. We will be practicing the difference between 80 and 90 this week. We also incorporate representing numbers during our morning routine. We will review representing and describing numbers concretely, pictorially and symbolically this week, and move on the say numbers forwards and backwards by 3 and 4s up to 25 and by 5, 10, 25, and 100 up to 500.


- Please refer to schedule for drama students.

- Tuesday it is picture re-take/sibling day. Sibling pictures will only be allowed if you returned your signed form from home.

- Wednesday is the last X-Country meet at Miramichi Valley High School.

- Thursday Mrs. Quann will be visiting for our latest SNAP session

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)

Posted: October 9, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 3FI Glazier. I just everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving long weekend.

This week is Fire Prevention Week. There will be a presentation Thursday morning in the gym for students.

I will be away tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct 10th) and Madame Robichaud will be in.

French - This week’s sound will be (Éé). Homework binders will be sent home with sound sheets to practice. A new song (chocolate) has also been placed inside. Please practice all week and return Friday. We continue to rehearse books. Books will soon be sent home to read nightly. Please ensure they are returned the next day not to disrupt our rotation. We will also continue to talk about ourselves and our friends as well as Halloween themed activities.

Math - We will be practicing the difference between 60 and 70 this week and there are subtle differences. We also incorporate representing numbers during our morning routine. We will be representing and describing numbers concretely, pictorially and symbolically this week.


- Please refer to schedule for drama students.

- Cross Country meet this week is at Max Aitken. The meet starts at 4:00.

- Soccer Jamboree on Friday. If you are attending, make sure you return your permission slip.

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)

Posted: October 1, 2018

Welcome back to 3FI Glazier. The month of September has come and gone. I look forward to the month ahead. We continue to record ourselves speaking in French. Please stay tuned. Students will be receiving the individual Dojo’s this month. Feel free to ask your son or daughter what they are all about :)

French – This week will serve as a review of all structures learned to date. Homework binders will be sent home again for the week with vowels sheets. We will continue to practice how to plan for Daily 5. Our theme for the month as far as words go will be Thanksgiving and Halloween. We have rehearsed several books so far. After Thanksgiving, books will be sent home to read nightly. Please ensure they are returned the next day not to disrupt our rotation.

Math - We will practice our numbers up to 60 orally this week. We also incorporate representing numbers during our morning routine. Patterns in number charts will be our new focus.


- Thursday, the cafeteria will have their Thanksgiving Day meal.

- Friday we will be travelling to Fletcher Family Farm for a field trip. Please ensure all permission slips have been signed and returned.  

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)

Posted: September 24, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 3FI Glazier. We are well into our daily routine. I am very pleased with everyone’s progress. Continue le beau travail!

*** Please note that vowel sound sheets and last week’s math numbers (0-20) will be sent home to be rehearse all week  as homework in their white homework binders ***

We continue to work on our first unit called "Je suis unique" (I'm unique). Students continue to learn vocabulary to describe themselves and their friends. They will also learn to express their preferences and dislikes. We continually review learned language structures, adding to the list weekly. The following structures will be quickly reviewed this week:

-        Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?

-        Es-tu un garcon ou une fille?

-        Quelle couleur sont tes cheveux? Mes cheveux sont.... 

-         Quelle couleur sont tes yeux? Mes yeux sont...  

We will be moving on to learn the following:

  • J’ai un(e) ami(e) 

  • Mon ami et moi

Students continue to write each day about themselves. This is part of our morning routine. Students then share with the class. We will begin practice our words of the week in centers. We are currently practicing how to work in each of our centers.

We continue to learn a few new songs/ poems around this theme. Students will also continue to read thematic books with a partner on a daily basis. These books are sent home as homework each night soon.

In math. We will be practicing our numbers up to 40 and commence our patterns unit. There are several web links on my teacher page to practice the numbers in French.

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)


Posted: September 18, 2018

September scholastic orders will be placed Friday, Sept 28th. Thank you.

Posted: September 16, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 4FI Glazier. I am blessed to have an eager class willing to learn a new language. Bravo les amis! Please stay tuned for some exciting videos of your son/daughter soon to be posted in the upcoming days/weeks.

The following French oral structures will be quickly reviewed this week:

-        Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?

-        Comment t’appelle-tu?

-        Quel âge as-tu? J’ai 8 ans.

-        Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?

-        Es-tu un garcon ou une fille?

We will be moving on to learn the following:

-        Quelle couleur sont tes cheveux? Mes cheveux sont.... 

-         Quelle couleur sont tes yeux? Mes yeux sont...  

In reading (lecture), we are working on the vowel sounds and we are reading simple books related to the school vocabulary seen in class.  These books will be sent home once we have a full class set read to be sent into rotation. Students will eventually receive one nightly.

Students have also been writing each day about themselves. This is part of our morning routine. Students then share with the class.

We are also learning a few new songs and continue to learn classroom vocabulary.  Students really enjoy the songs. I have begun to take request from prior songs and students really enjoy singing along.

In Math, we have been working on our numbers from 0-40. Last week we practiced up to 20. We are also comparing numbers (16 est plus grand que 10. 3 est plus petit que 12).

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)

Posted: September 9, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 4FI Glazier. Our first week back is already in the books. Please note that I will be away on Paternity leave this Thursday and Friday, September 13th and 14th. Routines and norms will continue to be established this week. I look forward to a wonderful year ahead.

Many consent forms were sent home last week. Please return to school if you have not already done so. Various notes (cafeteria menu, etc.) as well were also placed in your child’s reading bag.

Fire drill and lockdown procedures were reviewed last week and will continue this week. Practice firedrill on Tuesday (a.m.) 

The following French oral structures will be taught this week:

-        Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?

-        Comment t’appelle-tu?

-        Quel âge as-tu? J’ai 8 ans.

-        Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?

-        Es-tu un garcon ou une fille?

Likewise, we will continue working on our colors, school and classroom vocabulary, the days of the week and months of the year. We continue as well to work on our numbers from 0-20.

Please note:

- Our Gretna Green breakfast program will be opening this week.

- Picture day is Friday, make sure you wear your picture best smile. 

- Crosscountry starts this week too for grade 3, 4 and 5.  Practice is Tuesday afterschool from 2:30-3:30 .Make sure you have a drive home after practice.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)

Posted: September 3, 2018

My name is M. Glazier, and I will be teaching your child French this year. I look forward to laying a solid foundation as your child begins to learn French

Positive communication between teachers and parents/guardians is essential. I hope the following information will help you understand certain aspects of your child's academic year.

Teacher Page:

I post frequently on my teacher page, which is located under the “Teacher Page” tab of our school website. Student’s schedules, notices, reminders, assignments, links, etc. will be updated weekly.

Likewise, it is very important that you verify our school website on a regular basis in order to know what is going on. Many notices, updates, important reminders, etc. are posted daily.

English Language Arts:

English will be taught by Mrs. Simmons for 30 minutes daily starting next week.

Book orders:

Scholastic book orders will be sent home monthly. This is a great opportunity to build your child’s French library. Your orders also help us earn points towards additional browsing box books for our classrooms.


I try to keep homework to a minimum. I do, however, encourage your child to read every night in French for 15 minutes. Books will begin to be sent home in late October after we have established our vocabulary and sounds. If work has been assigned, it will be due on Fridays. Any incomplete work (French, Math, etc.) will be sent home as well. If you have any questions, please contact me and I will respond via telephone as promptly as possible.

You may prefer your child to divide his/her workload throughout the week as he/she could have activities on certain nights such as: hockey, karate, dance or whatever the case may be. It is up to you! I hope this “homework routine” will be easier to organize your family’s schedule, as we encourage children to get involved in extracurricular activities.

Other information:

  • Please send a note if your child will be absent or when there is a change in the child’s routine. School policy dictates that your child will be sent on the bus if I do not have a note stating that he/she should not “take the bus.”
  • Students may keep a bottle of water (optional)
  • Gretna Green is a peanut free school.
  •  I teach from 8:30-2:30, and committed to school extra-curricular activities on most days. I will respond to messages as promptly as possible.
  • Thank you so much for your cooperation. Your child’s education is at heart.

Let’s work together to make 3FI Glazier and the greater Gretna Green community a positive learning environment for all. Cheers!

M. Glazier :)

Posted: June 18, 2018

Welcome back to our last week of school in 4FI Glazier. A reminder that our school cafeteria is closed for the remainder of the year. This includes recess snacks as well.

This following is a list of activities planned for the week:

Monday - Practice retirement song in the gymnasium at 1:45

Tuesday - Track and Field at JMH. You will need your sneakers, outdoor clothing, lunch, sunscreen, water, lunch, etc. A canteen will be on site selling the following:

-Taco Salad in a Bag $5.00

- Hotdog $2.00

- Hamburgers $3.00

- Chips $1.00

- Cookies $1.00

- Muffin $1.00

- Orange slices in a bag $1.00

- Water $1.00,

Wednesday- We will be walking to the Clay Café at 12”30 for an ice cream. $2.75 buy’s you a small cone. There will also be a short presentation from the Newcastle Public Library.

Thursday - Year end assembly at 10:00 and in the afternoon there will be a student vs teacher softball game in the field below the school

Friday - Reports cards will be handed out. Early dismissal at 11:15.

Posted: June 14, 2018

A permission slip for ASD-N's track and field meet will be sent home tomorrow (Friday, June 15th) Permission slips need to be signed and returned by Monday, June 18th. Thanks.

Posted: June 14, 2018

A reminder to parents that we will be walking to Clay Cafe for ice cream next Wednesday, June 20th in the afternoon. A notice has been sent home.

Posted: June 4, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 4FI Glazier. The month of June has arrived. Only 3 weeks remaining. The year has definitely flown by quickly!

Tuesday we will be visiting the Ducks Unlimited pond in Chatham from 9-11 a.m. Please note that it is a rain or shine event, so dress appropriately. It is forecasted to rain, so I will be bringing my rain jacket and umbrella just in case. Please bring a pair of rubber boots as well, since students will have the opportunity to collect data and search for creepy crawlers.

ICE CREAM! Students will enjoy a free ice cream cone as there will be a pop-up truck here at school on Friday. Youpi!

French - For the remainder of the year, students will be focused on creating a booklet about each student in the class. One student will be chosen daily, and positive messages will be written about that student. Booklets will be sent home as they are completed.

Math - The remainder of our time will serve as a review of this year’s material. There will be a specific focus on our facts as we continue to masters and prepare for Grade 5.

Science - We will be reviewing our Habitat content in preparation for our field trip to Kouchibouguac next week.

If you have any question, comments, and/or concerns, please contact me at school. I will return your calls as soon as possible. Cheers.

Posted: May 23, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 4FI Glazier. I trust everyone enjoy the long weekend and are well rested for our Provincial Assessments in English and French reading comprehension, Math, and Science that will take place this week.

Please note that there will be no homework assigned for the remainder of the year unless otherwise specified from home. Spring weather is upon us and I encourage students to get out and enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer.

Cafeteria services will also resume next week. Please ensure your child has a lunch provided this week.

French – We will be finalizing our pamphlet assignment this week. We will then move on to create an advertisement poster.

Math – We continue with geometry. This week’s focus will be symmetry and defining the term “congruent.”  

Science - We continue to explore the difference and similarities amongst rocks and minerals.

If you have any question, comments, and/or concerns, please contact me at school. I will return your calls as soon as possible. Cheers.


  • Go For 42 is well underway. Please return registration forms if you plan on attending the Mango Fun Run on June 24th

Posted: May 14, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 4FI Glazier. I trust everyone enjoyed the fantastic weather over the weekend and treated their mother’s extra special on Mother’s day

French - We continue to practice our comprehension and reading strategies in preparation for our provincial assessment. We will be finishing our pamphlet writing activity this week as well.

Math - This week we will be wrapping up our pictogram and bag graph activities. We will move on to geometry. The week after will serve as a review prior to our provincial assessment.

Science - We will continue reviewing and practicing various questions related to the assessment. We will also begin to explore the difference and similarities amongst rocks and minerals.

If you have any question, comments, and/or concerns, please contact me at school. I will return your calls as soon as possible. Cheers.


  • Go For 42 begins Monday. Please return registration forms if you plan on attending the Mango Fun Run on June 24th

  • Grade 8 students will be hosting a Bake Sale Thursday

  • Career on Wheels Friday. Students are encouraged to dress as what they want to be when they grow up

Posted: May 7, 2018

Welcome back to 4FI Glazier. This week we will be going outside for morning recess. Please make sure you are dressed appropriately.

French - We continue to practice our comprehension and reading strategies in preparation for our provincial assessment. We will be working on a Mother’s Day surprise as well this week.

Math - We have completed our Measurement unit. This week and next we will learn about pictograms and bag graphs. We will them wrap up with Geometry prior to our provincial assessment.

Science - We will continue reviewing and practicing various questions related to the assessment.

If you have any question, comments, and/or concerns, please contact me at school. I will return your calls as soon as possible. Cheers.


Recycling presentation Tuesday a.m.

Internet Safety presentation Thursday a.m.

Grade 5 annual Yard Sale on Thursday. If you would like to purchase something make sure to bring in your money. Items are $1 or less.

All Petro Canada gas fundraiser tickets are due in the office by Friday (a.m.)

Ducks Unlimited "Minor Release Form" need to be returned as soon as possible.
