Mr. Glazier Notes



Posted: May 31, 2020

Welcome back! Teachers return to school this week in preparation for your report cards and professional learning. Looking forward to being back. It will definetly not be the same without students. Looking forward to seeing you all soon :) In the meantime, please feel free to check out this week's home learning options. As always, if you have any questions/comments, please reach out to me. Forward me any pictures as well and I would be happy to post them on my page. 

P.S. Skype this Wednesday at 11 a.m. 

Posted: May 18, 2020

Welcome back! I trust everyone had a restful long weekend. This week, I have included 2 documents. The first is Math Nature Ninja and the other French activities. The French activities range from grade 1 up to 8. They have been created by our district's immersion team. Feel free to browse the elementary activities, and chose what is most comfortable for your child. 

Please continue with past online French, math, wellness. and phys.ed programs as well. If you require any help or have any questions and/or concerns, please contact me :)

I have also provided 2 web links from ASD-N. One is an opportunity to participate in a district wide Virtual Olympic competition and the other a link to useful information and resources provided by many stakeholders within the district in regards to wellness and home learning.

P.S. A reminder that my Skype session will take place this Wednesday, May 20th at 11 a.m. An e-mail invitation was sent out to all last Friday. Information to downlaod and connect to Skype was provided as well in last week's message.


Posted: May 16, 2020

Skype session will take place Wednesday, May 20th at 11 a.m.

Posted: April 30, 2020


If you require new books/modifications within RAZ-Kids, please e-mail me and I can assign new books.

Posted: April 22, 2020

Dream Box username and passwords are found within my "Documents" section. Please click on the tab to find you child's account info. Let me know if you require assistance :)

Posted: April 21, 2020

1) Click on the link (desktop or a laptop)

2) Select Kids login

3) Teacher username is GlazierR

4) Select childs name

5) Choose apple icon 

*** If program ask's for a password, it is your child's name capitalized and 1 i.e. Ryan1***

If you are having issues i.e. not working on an iPad, would like a greater selection of unassigned books, etc., please let me know. Thanks :)

Posted: April 16, 2020


If you were unable to access the RAZ Kids website, please try the following link. Click on the link then "Kids LogIn". From there, choose your name and select the apple icon.


Posted: March 15, 2020

As per provincial directives and until further notice, student work and lessons are not to be assigned. If you require further clarrification, please contact Mr. Comeau or Mrs. Bransfield. Thank you.

Posted: March 14, 2020


I will be posting information in regards to homework and additional educational resources once clarification/updates have been given in regards to our current situation. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding at this time.

Posted: February 19, 2020



     If your child is doing a Science Project for the STEM fair, s/he can bring the completed project to the classroom Monday, Feb 24th or Thursday so we can put the final touches on it.  Students will also practice presenting their project to their classmates. If you require any printing, feel free to e-mail me or send in original copy.


    The school Stem Fair will be held Wednesday, Feb 26th, 2020 in the afternoon. It will start at 1:15 pm. The students will display their projects in their classroom. Parents are invited to visit the classrooms and view the projects.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school. Cheers!


Posted: February 4, 2020

Welcome back! Our rink is scheduled to be open this Wednesday. Please stay tuned. Please check out our monthly assembly video under the web link tab.

French - We continue to speak, read, and write. Our focus this week will be habitats as we integrate Sceince into our French. Students will be creating a "weird/funny" animal, followed by a written description of their species. 

Math - We have begun learning all about division and the fact that division is like sharing equally.

If you have any questions/concerns, please reach out and contact me at school. I will return your phone call as soon as possible. Thanks :)


Posted: January 30, 2020

This month, Madame Baisley and I have the pleasure of hosting our school's assembly! We encourage students and staff to wear their hockey jerseys, shirts, etc. to school Friday. In addition, we will be hosting a ball hockey game during the assembly, teachers versus students (Grade 3-5).


Posted: January 29, 2020

I am looking for empty water bottles for a health project with students. We will be creating wellness jars. If your child could bring in 1 or 2 to class by Friday that would be appreciated. Thanks.

Posted: January 20, 2020

Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend! A notice will be sent home tomorrow regarding an in school reading challenge. Also, we will have an Earth Ranger's presentation in the gym on Friday a.m.

Our outdoor rink is almost ready! Class sign-ups will begin later in the week. A notice will be sent home when we go skating. Please note that students require a helmet. The school does have a few to spare along with skates :)

French - We continue to speak, read, and write. New books were sent home today. Spelling words will be sent home Tuesday along with Reading Challenge notice. Our focus this week will be climat as we integrate Math and Sceince into our French curriculum.

Math - Last week we focused on building array's (pictures) of multiplication questions and focused on the fact that multiplication is a repeated addition. The class has mastered the multiples of 0,1, 2,10, and 11. We continue to practice our 3,4, and 5s. Expectation in Grade 3 is up to 5x5. Next week we will be moving on to division.

If you have any questions/concerns, please reach out and contact me at school. I will return your phone call as soon as possible. Thanks :)

Posted: January 7, 2020

Welcome back and Happy New Year!  I hope you all had an enjoyable break and are looking forward to 2020 at GG and in 3FI Glazier!

You may have noticed that our outdoor rink is not yet ready. We will be going skating as soon as temperatures cooperate and the ice surface is ready. Please stay tuned for notices.

French - We continue to speak, read, write, and remain the course. We will soon be wrapping up our Social Studies unit on New Brunswick. We will then be moving on to our 3rd of 7 yearly inquiries. Our next inquiery will be Science based. We will specifically be learning about climat, plants and animals, along with habitats/ecosystems.

Math - Multiplication and divison will be our next order of business. Expectation for Grade 3 is up to 5x5. We continue with Math Relfex daily during our afternoon routine.

If you have any questions/concerns, please reach out and contact me at school. I will return your phone call as soon as possible. Thanks :)


