Mr. Glazier Notes



Posted: February 1, 2021

Welcome back to our first week of February. Our theme this week will be all about Groundhog's Day.

Please Note:

- Tuesday library


- Wednesday SNAP with Mrs. Quann. This will be our last session with Mrs.Quann. The following week, we will have a small celebration to wrap up the program.


FRENCH - New books will continue to be sent home throughout the week. The book is to remain for the week. Our revision sound of the week will be "in" Throughout the week. For those who have created a Duolingo account at home, please send/e-mail me their password and can practice here at school if you would like.


MATH - We will begin our new unit on graphing. Student's will learn all about gathering data and tallying results this week. 


Social Studies - We will be creating a map of Miramichi this week based on the information presented over the last 2-3 weeks. Students will have to include a legend and cardinal points on their maps. 


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: January 25, 2021

Welcome back to our final week of January. Excited to announce we will be receiving 2 new compouters for our classroom. This will complement the new learning center I am in the process of creating. I also received 2 new iPads to help with student learning and exploration. 

We will also be going outside again on Friday (weather permitting) to particiapte in the ASD-N Winter Challenge. I would like to expand on our igloo creation. 

Please Note:

- Tuesday library


- Wednesday SNAP with Mrs. Quann


FRENCH - New books will continue to be sent home throughout the week. The book is to remain for the week. Our winter theme will be wraping up this week. We are learning new vocabulary which in incorporate into our writing. We will also be reviewing the sound "ou"


MATH - Small quiz to wrap up our numbers unit will take place this week. We will be mocing on to graphing which is always a fun unit. 


Social Studies - We will continue to talki about cardinal points and grids on a map. Once complete, we will be creating our own maps. 


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: January 18, 2021

Welcome back! The weekend's snowstorm was welcomed by many students. We will be going outside Friday (weather permitting) to exploring and discuss more about what we have been learning in social studies and math.

Please Note:

- Tuesday library


- Wednesday SNAP with Mrs. Quann


FRENCH - New book will continue to be sent home throughout the week. I am only able to complete half that class at a time. Our winter theme continues as well. We are learning new vocabulary which in incorporate into our writing. We will also be reviewing the sound "au" Last week's sound was "eau"


MATH - We will be review of our entire numbers unit (adding and subtracting) this week. 


Social Studies - We will be talking about cardinal points and grids on a map whilst using our classroom as a reference point. 


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: January 11, 2021

Welcome back! Below is a snap shot of our week ahead :)

Please Note:

- Cafeteria services are back up and running

- Tuesday library


- Wednesday SNAP with Mrs. Quann


FRENCH - Last week I read with each student and updated their reading profiles. New book will begin to be sent home throughout the week. Our winter theme continues as well. We are learning new vocabulary which in incorporate into our writing. We will also be reviewing the sound "eau" Last week's sound was "ch"


MATH - Our focus this week will be subtraction (with regrouping) of 100 numbers. Next week will serve as a review of our entire numbers unit (adding and subtracting)


Social Studies -We have been learning about maps, legends and referencing visuals from different perspectives.  Moving forward we will be talking about cardinal points and using our classroom as a reference point. If you would like extra work sent home, please reach out to me :) 


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: January 7, 2021

Fun videos we have been listening to from YouTube. Feel free to search and listen at home :)

1) Bonjour l'hiver by Charlotte Diamond

2) Saisons en chanson! - HIVER by Mini TFO

3) Moi j'aime skier by YourKid Tv

4) Jouez au hockey by Suzanne Flynn

Posted: January 6, 2021

Friendly reminder about to reading resource apps that I came across this fall. Feel free to check them out if interested. Cheers :)

1) Duolingo ( 

 2) Bloups. There is a free trial for this one, then a paid subscription. I know some students in grade 4 and 5 who are using Bloups and seem to enjoy (

Please let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!

Posted: January 4, 2021

Welcome back! I trust everyone had an enjoyable and restful holiday. I was looking forward to hearing many stories today :)

Please Note:

- All cafeteria services will be closed and will reopen on Thursday, January 7th. 

- The “Mask Up” campaign will begin tomorrow, Monday, January 4th. During the weeks of January 4-8th and January 11-15th, everyone in the education system will be strongly encouraged to wear their mask throughout the day as an added layer of protection and to help support the health of all New Brunswickers. More information can be obtained by the office if need be. 


- Tuesday library


- Wednesday SNAP with Mrs. Quann


FRENCH: Our theme for the month of January will be Winter. We will also be incorportating Social Studies into the mix. Over the next few weeks students will be learning all about and creating maps alongside various aspects about our city, province and country, i.e. rural vs urban areas, geography, etc. 


MATH: Mathletics continues and we are now learning about subtraction and regrouping i.e. "borrowing" Looking ahead, our next unit with be all about graphing. 


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!


Posted: December 14, 2020

Only 5 days until Christmas holidays and our last week of school for 2020! Please return any library books at home before Friday, December 18th.

Few Reminders:

Monday - Christmas concert dress rehearsal 

Tuesday - Library and Christmas concert recording. Concert will be posted to school website later in the week. 

Wednesday - SNAP with Mrs. Quan from Big Brothers Big SIsters. 

Thursday - Ugly sweater for 3-5 students. Donations of a non-perishable food item will be accepted for the food bank. 

Friday - I will be serving hot chocolate. 


- We will be wrapping up our holiday themed activities. All work will be sent home on Friday.

- No books will be sent home this week unless requested. 


- We continue with subtraction this week. Our focus will be subtraction without regrouping. 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: December 7, 2020

Only 10 days until the Christmas holidays. Reminder to please send snowpants and tuques with your child. Also like to remind students to return library book before Friday, December 18th. The librarian has sent me notices of overdue books.

Few Reminders:

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - SNAP with Mrs. Quan from Big Brothers Big SIsters. Christmas diner day. No other meals will be served by cafeteria. 

Friday - Hat day. $1 donation towards Miramichi Food Bank.


- We will be practicing our Christmas concert song on stage this week. We continue with holiday themed activities. All work will be sent home on the Dec 18th. 

- Books will continue to be sent home throughout the week, so please check reading bags nightly. I read with 2 different groups/day.


- Subtraction begin's this week. Our focus  will be estimating differences of 2 and 3 digit numbers. 

- Mathletics as per our daily routine 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

M. Glazier :)

Posted: December 1, 2020

Good morning,
Mrs. Blakely-Doucette's Grade 8 leadership class is doing a fundraiser for the Miramichi Food Bank as well as the Giving Tree, put on by 95.9 The River.  These events will be held on the following dates during the month of December:
December 3rd- Jersey Day
December 11th - Hat Day 
December 14th - Twin Day, 
December 16th - Crazy Sock Day 
December 18th - PJ Day 
Also, there will be a challenge for class participation on these days.  Teachers will fill out a form that will be sent out to each homeroom teacher in the building where they will then check off how many students participated on each of the days.  The classes in K-2, 3-5, 6-8 with the highest participation will win a pizza party when we return from Christmas Break.  Please remember that the winners of the challenge are not determined by how much money the class raised, it will be by class participation on each themed day.

Posted: November 30, 2020

I am re-sending my Scholastics classroom code home if interested in ordering online. My code is RC173411 and the link is ( I will also be sending a harcdcopy home with instructions :) 

Posted: November 30, 2020

Welcome back! A reminder with the unpredictable weather to please send a warm hat, mitts, splash/snow pants. Reports cards will be sent home tomorrow (Tuesday, Dec 1st).

Few Reminders:

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - SNAP with Mrs. Quan from Big Brothers Big SIsters 

Thursday - Jersey Day ($1 donations accepted) 

                 - Parent-teacher 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Friday - NO school for students.

           - Parent-teacher 9:00 -11:00 a.m.


- We continue to practice our 2 Christmas songs. We will be practicing the steps involved in the writing process i.e. ideas, draft, etc. as we write our letters to Santa.

- Books will continue to be sent home throughout the week, so please check reading bags nightly. I read with 2 different groups/day.


- Homework sheet sent home last week due tomorrow Tues, Dec 1st

- We will continue with regrouping for another week. Subtraction begins next week.

- Mathletics as per our daily routine 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

M. Glazier :) 

Posted: November 27, 2020

I came across 2 "apps" that may be of interest to some who are seeking extra reading resources at home. If interested, you could download the apps and try. I have never used them personally, but I will try and create an account myself once I have a minute.

1) Duolingo ( 

2) Bloups. There is a free trial for this one, then a paid subscription. I know some students in grade 4 and 5 who are using Bloups and seem to enjoy.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!


Posted: November 24, 2020

I placed an addition math practice package in students reading bags. Please complete and return by next Tuesday (Dec 1st) Any question, please reach out. Cheers!

Posted: November 23, 2020

Welcome back to our last full week of November. We have a busy but enjoyable few weeks ahead of us before Christmas. FYI...reports cards will be printed this Friday, and sent home next Monday, Dec 1st. 

Few Reminders:

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - SNAP with Mrs. Quan from Big Brothers Big SIsters 


- Christmas themed activities begin this week. We will be learning new vocabulary, drafting a letter to Santa, and reading holiday themed books. We will also begin to practice our 2 Christmas concert songs.

- Books will continue to be sent home throughout the week, so please check reading bags nightly. I read with 2 different groups/day.


- Estimation work sheet due today (Monday, Nov 23rd)

- We will be adding with regrouping i.e. carrying over the "1" with double and triple digits this week. Next week, we will move on to subtraction. 

- Mathletics as per our daily routine 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

M. Glazier :) 
