Mr. Glazier Notes



Posted: February 12, 2019

  Our STEM Fair is fast approaching. If your child is interested in participating in the STEM Fair this year, s/he may do so.  Participation is optional in Grade 3 FI. I am asking the students to do the project at home. Templates will be provided for those who choose to participate. They can work with a friend, if they wish. The project will be done in English as students don’t have all the necessary French “Science” language at this time.

  If your child is doing a Science Project for the STEM Fair, s/he can bring the completed project to the classroom Thurday, March 14th or Friday the 15th so we can put the final touches on it.  Students will also practice presenting their project to their classmates.

  The school STEM Fair will be held Tuesday, March 19th in the afternoon.The students will display their projects in their classroom. Parents are invited to visit the classrooms and view the projects.

*** Notice will be sent home Wednesday, February 13th ***

Posted: February 12, 2019

Dear parents,

These next few weeks in French, we will be talking about animals. We will be discussing and describing pets that we have at home or pets that we would like to have. We will also describe our pets’ temperament. Your child is more than welcome to bring in a picture of their pet or a favorite animal that s/he likes. If you wish, you can send me an e-mail with a pic attached ( They can share their picture with the class. Examples of oral structures that will be introduced include: J’ai un lapin. Il s’appelle ___. Il a X ans. Je n’ai pas…Je veux avoir un ___ Mon animal préféré est…Il s’appelle ___. Il est gros. Il a X ans. Son corps est recouvert de ___ (poil, écaille, plumes). Mon ___ a de petites oreilles et les yeux ___. Ses yeux sont ___, ses oreilles sont ___. Mon animal est ___...(gentil, calme, excite, fidèle, heureux) We will make a class book about our animals to end the unit. I feel that the students really enjoy this part of the curriculum. We will have a busy, but fun few weeks.



Posted: February 11, 2019

Welcome back. It is Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you to the Home and School for preparing a wonderful week.

We will be celebrating Valentines Day in class Thursday afternoon. Students may hand out Valentines. A reminders that unhealthy snacks, chocolates, etc. are not permitted as per provincial policy.

A notice will be sent home next week as well in regards to STEM Fair (a.k.a. Science Fair). Please refer to your child’s reading bag early next week.

*** Please ensure white homework binders are brought to school on Mondays for student’s weekly work and reading bags daily ***

French – Our sound of the week will be “eu” and our poem of the week will be about Cupid and friends. We will begin a new unit about animals and pets. A notice has been sent home in your child’s/children’s reading bag.

Guided reading will also take place with myself during our Daily 5. Whilst a group is reading, others will be working in various centers. Students will receive new book within a 4 day cycle to be brought home along with their new sound and song/poem sheet of the week.

Math – Students wrote their math test on addition and subtraction Thursday. Some students need to complete this week. Test will be corrected and sent home by Friday. This week we will be reviewing multiplication and how our doubles (math facts) assist.  Please feel free to go to Learn Alberta website found in my web linksto practice various outcomes. Math Reflex is also another great resource that students have been practice here at school.

Health – We continue to look at how we can take care of ourselves with an introduction to the theme (i.e. eat healthy, be active, etc.) We will also be talking about emotions and feelings.

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)


Please do not forget snow pants and mitts for outdoor recess.

February Scholastic orders due end of the month.

Posted: February 4, 2019

Welcome back to our first full week of February. We will have an author visiting us Monday morning. Peter Clark will be entertaining students in the gymnasium with stories and poems from his books.

Wednesday is Global Play Day/Winter Walk Day. We will be going sliding after lunch (weather permitting). The school has 15 sleds on hand. Students are encourage to bring their own if they choose.

Friday will be hat day. Students who choose to wear their hat must pay $1. Monies raised will go towards the gr 8 field trip.

*** Please ensure white homework binders are brought to school on Mondays for student’s weekly work and reading bags daily ***

French – This week’s oral structures will be a review of our last unit about “What makes us unique.” Throughout, students will begin to write following a model presented by myself. Our next unit will be all about animals and pets.

Guided reading will also take place with myself during our Daily 5. Whilst a group is reading, others will be working in various centers. Students will receive new book within a 4 day cycle to be brought home along with their new sound and song/poem sheet of the week.

Math – This week will serve as a review for our addition and subtraction unit. Test on Friday. We will be moving on to multiplication and division.

Health – We continue to look at how we can take care of ourselves with an introduction to the theme (i.e. eat healthy, be active, etc.) We will also be talking about emotions and feelings.

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)


If you have flyers are home that you are will to spare, please send with your child. We will be cutting them out for activities in health class.

Please do not forget snow pants and mitts for outdoor recess.

Posted: January 31, 2019

Our SNAP celebration sponsored by Big Brothers and Sisters will be held tomorrow at 11:00. We will be joining Mrs. Simmons class.

Posted: January 28, 2019

Welcome back to our last week of January. Please note that there will be no school on Monday, January 28th. Teachers have a professional development day.

Last Thursday was supposed to be our SNAP graduation party held by Big Brothers and Big Sisters. We will see if this is to be rescheduled.

Intended work from this past week will again be carried over. We remain on scheduled.

*** Please ensure white homeowrk binders are brought to school on Mondays for students weekly work and reading bags daily ***

French – This week’s oral structures will comprise of what we love at school.  Throughout, students will begin to write following a model presented by myself.

Guided reading will also take place with myself during our Daily 5. Whilst a group is reading, others will be working in various centers. Students will receive new book within a 4 day cycle to be brought home along with their new sound and song/poem sheet of the week.

Social Studies – Students continue to learn about community and where we live in relation to the province. This week students will be tasked with situating large urban areas within the province.

Health – We continue to look at how we can take care of ourselves with an introduction to the theme (i.e. eat healthy, be active, etc.)

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)


Hat day ($2) Gr 8 field trip fundraiser will be rescheduled. Please stay tuned.

Please do not forget snow pants and mitts for outdoor recess.

Posted: January 11, 2019

Welcome back and Happy New Years. Due to the inclement weather on Wednesday and Thursday intended work from this past week will be carried over into next.

French – This week’s oral structures will comprise of what we like, dislike, and love. Throughout, students will begin to write following a model presented by myself.

Guided reading will also take place with myself during our Daily 5. Whilst a group in reading, others will be working in various centers.

Social Studies – Students will be learning about community and where we live in relation to the province. We will also take a look at cardinal points.

Health – We will be looking at how we can take care of ourselves with an introduction to the theme (i.e. eat healthy, be active, etc.)

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)


January calendar was sent home on Tuesday in student’s green reading bag.

Please do not forget snow pants and mitts for outdoor recess.

Posted: December 17, 2018

Welcome back to another fun filled week in 3FI Glazier. I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

It will be Spirit Week at school. The following is the list of activities:

Monday: Wear plaid/flannel 
Tuesday: Wear a Christmas sweater
Wednesday: Pay $2 and wear a hat (contributions go towards grade 8 trip)
Thursday: Dress up as a Christmas character 
Friday: Wear pyjamas

We will be having our SNAP reward this Friday. Students will be allowed to wear their PJ’s and bring a stuffy and/or blanket. We will be watching a movie and enjoying popcorn.

There will also be no homework this week. Students will be completing various Christmas related activities in French and Math.

Please note that in January, we will begin units in Science, Social Studies, and Health. Guided reading and writing will take place throughout.


December Scholastic order due Monday, December 17th.

Posted: December 10, 2018

Welcome back to another fun filled week in 3FI Glazier. 2 more week left until Christmas break. Our Christmas rehearsal will take place Tuesday a.m. and out concert will be Thursday at 10:00. Students have been practicing and working really hard.

French - This week’s sound will be “an” Homework binders will be sent home to practice along with a new poem about Christmas tree decorations. Please ensure homework binders, reading bags, and books are returned to school.

Our first unit about what makes us unique is now complete. We will use the remainder of our time learning Christmas and holiday terms and related themed activities.

Math - Our focus this week will continue to be doubles and doubles +/- 1 and 2 along with adding two digit numbers. Math Reflex and Mathletics continue on Monday, Tuesday and Friday afternoons.


  • Christmas dinner on Wednesday. Tickets were sent home Friday and all orders must be in by Tuesday.

  • SNAP with Mrs. Quann will be on Wednesday instead of Thursday this week due to the concert.

  • December’s Scholastic order due on the 17th.

Posted: December 3, 2018

Welcome back to another fun filled week in 3FI Glazier. The month of December has quickly crept up on us. Only 3 more weeks until the holidays.

French - This week’s sound will be “on” Homework binders will be sent home to practice along with a new poem “Luc va à l’école”. Please ensure homework binders, reading bags, and books are returned to school.

* Please note that all work from Term 1’s French binders have been sent home in students reading bags *

We continue to review our first unit. Students will continue to incorporate what they have learned into our first writing assignment.

Math - Our focus this week will continue to be doubles and doubles +/- 1 and 2 along with rounding strategies numbers. Math Reflex and Mathletics continue on Monday, Tuesday and Friday afternoons.


  • Scholastic book fair held over until Monday in the music room.

  • We will have 2 SNAP sessions this week. 1 on Monday due to last week’s storm and our weekly one on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Quann.

  • Tuesday morning at 10:15 will be the dress rehearsal for the Elementary Christmas play. Everyone is reminded that the play itself will be held on Wednesday evening at 6 p.m.

  • Tuesday afternoon is our scheduled library visit with Mrs. Chase.

  • November Scholastic book order has been placed. December’s will be sent home today and due on the Dec 17th.

Posted: November 27, 2018

Welcome back to another fun filled week in 3FI Glazier. There will be NO school for students on Friday, Nov 30th due to Parent-Teacher interviews and PD session.

French - This week’s sound will be “in” Homework binders will be sent home to practice along with a new poem reviewing 4 sounds discussed. Please ensure homework binders, reading bags, and books are returned to school.

We continue to review our first unit. Students continue to incorporate what they have learned into our first writing assignment.

Math - Students first math test has been corrected and sent home to be signed and returned.  We have moved on to addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers. Our focus this week will be doubles and doubles +/- 1 and 2 numbers.


  • Monday - Reports cards go home.  Please fill out and return last page along with envelop.

  • Scholastic book fair in the music room. We will be visiting Monday and Thursday. The fair will also be open to public during interviews.

Posted: November 19, 2018

Welcome back to another fun filled week in 3FI Glazier. Christmas is just around the corner. Today we begin to practice our two Christmas songs in French with Mlle Savoie’s Gr 4 class.

French - This week’s sound will be “er and ez”. Homework binders will be sent home to practice along with a new preposition (in front, behind, side, above and under) activity sheet. The activity sings to the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” which I have included on my teacher page. Please ensure homework binders, reading bags, and books are returned to school. Many have gone missing, and I am in the process of doing a quick inventory. I have also included a review of our first set of numbers (0-30) that have been well rehearsed in class. Please practice all week and return Friday. Please continue to read books nightly, and ensure that it is return daily and also colored on their reading log sheet.

We will be discussing our heights this week as we learn what makes us unique. This will concluded our first unit in French. Next week, students will incorporate what they have learned into our first writing assignment.

Math -  We will be reviewing everything taught to date. Unit quiz on Friday. We will then move on to addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers.


- Dress for the weather.  Snow pants, boots, hats and mitts are required during recess.

- School Fundraiser winners will be announced Tuesday.

Posted: November 6, 2018

Welcome back to another fun filled week in 3FI Glazier. Please note that it will be a 4 day week as teachers have a Professional Learning Day on Friday. No school next Monday as well due to Remembrance Day.

French - This week’s sound will be a combination of Halloween words. Homework binders will be sent home to practice along with a new song (“C’est l’Automne”) I have also included a review of our first set of numbers (0-20) that have been well rehearsed in class. Please practice all week and return Friday. Please continue to read books nightly, and ensure that it is return daily and also colored on their reading log sheet.

We will soon be moving on to guided reading in class during our Daily 5 work. Those books will soon be the ones to be read at home. The books in question will be in a rotation of 4-5 days, so they may keep the book and rehearse, study images, review up until they read again with me “l’enseignant”

We will continue talking about eyes this week as we learn what makes us unique. We will follow up with a bar graph as a review from a previous math lesson.

Math - This week we will focus on numbers "great than", "less than", "and equal to". Throughout, we continue to practice our numbers up to 100. From there we will eventually be counting up to 500.


- Please refer to schedule for drama students.

- Thursday Mrs. Quann will be visiting for our 7th SNAP session

- Remembrance Day service on Thursday morning at 10:00 in gymnasium.

- Spelling-A-Thon test for our school fundraiser will also take place Thursday. Please be sure to collect monies from your sponsors for your test.


Posted: October 29, 2018

Welcome back to another fun filled week in 3FI Glazier. Last week’s “Take Me outside day was a huge success. A wonderful opportunity to take learning outside. GG will be celebrating Halloween this week. Monday will be Crazy Hair Day, Tuesday is Black and Orange Day, and Wednesday is our Parade of Costumes in the gymnasium. Costumes are to only be worn during our parade.

French - This week’s sound will be (“Au”). Homework binders will be sent home to practice along with a new song (“C’est l’Halloween”) Please practice all week and return Friday. Please continue to read books nightly, and ensure that it is return daily and also colored on their reading log sheet. We will be talking about hair and eyes this week as we learn what makes us unique. Halloween themed activities to continue.

Math - We continue to practice the difference between 80 and 90 again this week. We will also continue to skip count and compare numbers forwards and backwards by 3 and 4s up to 25 and by 5, 10, 25, and 100 up to 500. Students will also be comparing larger versus small numbers.


- Please refer to schedule for drama students.

- Thursday Mrs. Quann will be visiting for our 6th SNAP session

- Friday October's Scholastic order will be placed.

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)

Posted: October 22, 2018

Welcome back to another fun filled week in 3FI Glazier. Students are learning and speaking many new words and phrases in French. Fantastic job les amis!

French - This week’s sound will be (“Ou”). Homework binders will be sent home to practice along with a new song (“Les feuilles d’automne”) Please practice all week and return Friday. Please continue to read books nightly, and ensure that it is return daily and also colored on their reading log sheet. We will be discussing ourselves along with our friends this week. Halloween themed activities continue throughout.

Math - We continue to practice the difference between 80 and 90 this week. We will be skip counting and comparing numbers forwards and backwards by 3 and 4s up to 25 and by 5, 10, 25, and 100 up to 500 again this week


- Please refer to schedule for drama students.

- Tuesday it is picture re-take/sibling day. Sibling pictures will only be allowed if you returned your signed form from home.

- Wednesday is "Outdoor Learning Day" We will be outside for one of our classes. Please dress appropriately.

- Thursday Mrs. Quann will be visiting for our latest SNAP session

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)
