Mr. Glazier Notes



Posted: April 25, 2018

Welcome back! Another fun filled week in 4FI Glazier. A reminder that Wednesday is a half day for students. Dismissal will take place at 11:15.

A Ducks Unlimited "Minor Release Form" has been sent home to be signed. Please return as soon as possible.

French - We continue to practice our comprehension and reading strategies in preparation for our provincial assessment in May. We are also working on our brochures.

Math - Fraction test has been sent home to be signed and returned. We are currently learning how to calculate area. Later in the week we will move on to mesuring perimeter.

Science - Peter MacDonald, our Science Lead for the district will be in on Thursday to help us prepare for our provincial assessment in May. We will be reviewing and practicing various questions related to the assessment.

Again, if you have any question, comments, and/or concerns, please cntact me at school. I will return your calls as soon as possible. Cheers.

M. Glazier

Posted: April 20, 2018

Welcome back! Another fun filled week in 4FI Glazier. Students are encourage to pack an extra pair of socks, splash pants, etc with Spring like temperatures just around the corner. The playground is becoming soggy/muddy in some places.

A reminder that next Wednesday is a half day for students. Dismissal will take place at 11:15.

French - We have continued to practice our comprehension and reading strategies in preparation for our provincial assessment in May. We also worked on our brochure for writing. Our goal is to complete the brochure by next week and move on to an avertisement writing text.

Math - We completed and reviewed our fraction unit. Our unit test took place Friday. They will be corrected early next week to be signed and returned. 

Science - Students completed their habitat shoe box project. They will be presenting to various classes next week.

Again, if you have any question, comments, and/or concerns, please cntact me at school. I will return your calls as soon as possible. Cheers.

M. Glazier

Posted: April 13, 2018

Welcome back! Thank you goes out to the students for supporting the Humboldt Broncos this past Thursday. Students proudly wore their jerseys and honored the team with a school photo.

April scholastic orders will be due next Friday, April 20th. If sending a check, please make payable to Scholastic Canada.

French - Pamphlet/brochure planning to part this week. We will continue to jot down our ideas and begin the cover next week. As always, Daily 5, spelling test and comprehension take part daily. We will correct our comprehension homework this Thursday.

Math - We continue to work on Fractions.  This past week our focus was converting fractions to decimals (tenths and hundredths). Next week our focus will be adding and subtracting decimal numbers. I continue to encourage students to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science - Our marshland habitat bulletin board project is complete. Next week we will be working on our shoebox dioramas. If students have any figurines, Lego pieces, Playdoh, etc. that could be used to incorporate into their diorama, please send to class next week.

Health - We continue to focus on personal wellness and mental health this week. Students have been learning to do Yoga and mindfulness activities in class. Our mindfulness jars were completed Thursday. Some students chose to leave theirs at school and others brought them home.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: April 6, 2018

Welcome back to a shortened week in 4Glazier. I trust everyone enjoyed their Easter weekend. Please note that parent-teacher interviews will be held next Thursday p.m. and Friday a.m. Yellow interview sign-up sheets were sent home last week.

French - We concluded our procedural text assignment and will be moving on to pamphlet/brochure writing. This assignment will be in conjunction with our Social Studies unit. As always, Daily 5, spelling test and comprehension take part daily. We will correct our comprehension homework this Thursday.

Math - We continue to work on Fractions.  This unit has been going smoothly thus far. In the near future, we will be moving on to graphing and geometry. I continue to encourage students to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science - Our marshland habitat bulletin board project is underway. Next week we will be working on our shoebox dioramas. If students have any figurines, Lego pieces, Playdoh, etc. that could be use to incorporate into their diorama, please send to class next week.

Health - We are focusing on personal wellness and mental health this week. Students have been learning to do Yoga and mindfulness activities in class. Next week, students will be building their own “Mindfulness” jars to bring home.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: March 26, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 4Glazier. A reminder that there is NO school on Wednesday due to Teacher Professional Development and on Friday as well due to Good Friday. No school next Monday either due to Easter.

Lisa Harris payed use a visit today. She spoke about her role, listened to our presentations, and answered many great questions! Mrs. Harris was impressed with the students’ ability and confidence to speak and converse in French.  

French - We aim to conclude our procedural text this week. As always, Daily 5, spelling test and comprehension take part daily. We will correct our comprehension homework this Thursday.

Math - Last week’s Pattern test will be sent home shortly. We are currently working on Fraction sets.  I continue to encourage students to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science – We will be preparing 3D animals in order to create a marshland habitat in class. This will be our final activity prior to our shoebox diorama projects in April.  

Health - We continue to learn about the benefits of healthy eating/lifestyles.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: March 19, 2018

Welcome back to another week in 4Glazier. I would like to congratulate all students for their hard work and dedication towards STEM Fair this year. I was very pleased with their creativity and quality of projects. Well done les amis!

There will be a musical presentation this Friday at 10 a.m. Mr. Roland Bibeau will be presenting to all students in the gymnasium.

Lisa Harris will be visiting us next Monday at 10:15. Students will present their projects and have prepared questions related to her profession

French - We are currently working on our 3rd paragraph of our procedural text. Next week we will conclude, correct, and finalize our good copies. As always, Daily 5, spelling test and comprehension take part daily. We also correct our weekly comprehension homework every Friday a.m.

Math - Patterns test was written today. They will be corrected shortly and sent home to be signed and returned. Our next unit of study will be Fractions. I continue to encourage students to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science - To date I have 9 shoe boxes for our habitat projects. Please notify me if you do not have any spare shoe boxes at home and I will make arrangements. This week, students will be creating a habitat booklet.

Health - We continue to learn about the benefits of healthy eating/lifestyles.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: March 12, 2018

Please note that this Tuesday and Thursday afternoon's class time will be dedicated to students finalizing and rehearsing for our 3-5 school STEM Fair which will take place this Friday, March 16th. Please send any last minutes questions, translations, materials, poster boards, etc. so that students can complete during this time.

Posted: February 28, 2018


Welcome back! There will also be no homework this week. Please continue to work on your STEM Fair projects as they are due March 16th. Peter MacDonald will be visiting the 14th for answer any last minute questions. I am also available to translate if your require assistance. Enjoy your upcoming March break! This week is Winterfest! Winterfest activities include the following:

Monday is Twin Day. We will be snowshoeing from 9:00-10:00 and sliding from 10:30-11:30. Earth Rangers will also be presenting to the school in the gymnasium from 1:00 - 2:00.

Tuesday is GG Spirit Day. Show your school spirit by wearing our school colours.

Wednesday is Wacky Sock Day.  There will be a Sock Hop from 10:00 - 10:45. A free pancake breakfast will also be served up in the morning. Please note that there is NO SCHOOL in the afternoon. There will be PD meetings for teachers. Student dismissal will take place at 11:15.

Thursday is Crazy Hat Day.  Our class will be skating from 1:00-2:00. Students require a helmet. Extra skates and helmets are available at the school.

Friday is PJ Day.IN the afternoon, students will face-off against teaching in a floor hockey game in the gym at 1:30.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: February 20, 2018

Welcome back! I trust everyone enjoyed their first provincial Family Day Monday. Please note that our blindness presentation and Science East class workshops have been re-scheduled. Winter Carnival will also take place next week. An itinerary of events will be posted soon.

A reminder that STEM Fair projects are due prior to March 16th. If you require any help with translation, or anything else for that matter, please send work to school. M. MacDonald will be visiting our class again in two weeks to help/assist with projects.

French - We will continue to develop our ideas and procedural text introduction. As always, Daily 5, spelling test and comprehension take part daily. We also correct our weekly comprehension homework every Friday a.m.

Math - Please sign and return multiplication and division test and return to school if you have not done so yet. Students are encouraged to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” This week our focus will be patterns using addition and subtraction. Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science - Students are asked to bring in a shoe box for an upcoming project. I have received 2 boxes to date.

Health - We continue to learn about the benefits of healthy eating/lifestyles.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: February 13, 2018

Welcome back! We have many activities planned this week. Tuesday afternoon Peter MacDonald will be visiting and discussing STEM Fair projects with the class. Project packages and info will be sent home this week. Projects will need to be completed at home with guidance from school. Wednesday we will celebrate Valentine’s Day after lunch. Thursday we are off to MVHS for a presentation entitled Mawi'omi, and Friday afternoon we will be in the gym for a presentation by Shelley Bean and Canada 150.

French - We will continue to develop our ideas and procedural text introduction. As always, Daily 5, spelling test and comprehension take part daily. We also correct our weekly comprehension homework every Friday a.m.

Math - Multiplication and division test will be sent home Monday. Please sign and return. Students are encouraged to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” We will continue to extend numerical patterns this week. Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science - Students are asked to bring in a shoe box for an upcoming project.

Health - We continue to learn about the benefits of healthy eating/lifestyles.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: February 6, 2018

Welcome back! Lisa Harris will be visiting March 26th due to Monday’s school closure.

Next week we will begin discussing the 3-5 STEM Fair in preparation for our school STEM Fair to take place in March. A notice will be sent home next week. A head’s up that projects will need to be completed at home with guidance from school.

Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us. A class list will go home Friday for those who wish to prepare valentine cards.

French - We will continue where we left off last week. I will be modelling a proper introductory paragraph. As always, Daily 5, spelling test and comprehension tasks take part on Friday’s. We also correct our weekly comprehension homework every Friday a.m.

Math - Multiplication and division test will be corrected and sent home Friday to be signed and returned. Students are encouraged to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” This week’s focus will be to extend numerical patterns. Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science - Students are asked to bring in a shoe box for an upcoming project. We continue to learn about habitats.

Health - We will be learning about the benefits of healthy eating/lifestyles. We will also take a look at food labels.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: January 29, 2018

Welcome back! I trust everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather this past weekend.

Lisa Harris will be visiting our class this Friday to view our social studies presentations and speak to us about the role of government in the province and Canada as a whole.

French - Students will choose a topic for their procedural writing assignment. I will be modelling a proper introductory paragraph. As always, Daily 5, spelling test and comprehension tasks take part on Friday’s. We also correct our weekly comprehension homework every Friday a.m.

Math – Multiplication and division test was held on Friday and today. Students are encouraged to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” Tuesday, we will begin our Patterns Unit and begin with patterns found in number tables. Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science - We continue to learn about habitats. I ask students to please bring in a shoe box to school if they have one at home. They will be used towards the end of the month to create their own unique habitat.

Health - We will be creating healthy meal options based on daily recommendations from the Canadian Food Guide by cutting out and gluing food items from weekly flyers.

Social Studies - We will be rehearsing our presentation for Mrs. Harris.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: January 26, 2018

Welcome back! This week was compact due to the inclement weather we experienced.  A reminder to students to dress appropriately for recess. We will try to go skating as well in February once the temperature cooperates.

I received an e-mail from Lisa Harris’s office. We are in the process of scheduling a time for her to come visit the class, view our social studies presentations, and speak to us about the role of government in the province and Canada as a whole.

French - We reviewed the elements for procedural writing this week. Monday we will commence our introductions. Our next major writing assignment will be a procedural writing piece. As always, spelling test and comprehension tasks take part on Friday’s. We also correct our weekly comprehension homework every Friday a.m.

Math – This week we reviewed of multiplication and division unit. Test Friday. Our next unit of study will be Patterns. Students are encouraged to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science - We continue to learn about habitats. We will try again next week to go outdoors and observe various habitats. I ask students to please bring in a shoe box to school if they have one at home.They will be used towards the end of the month to create their own unique habitat.

Health - We reviewed daily recommendations from the Canada’s Food Guide. Next week students will be creating healthy meal options by cutting out and gluing food items from weekly flyers.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: January 17, 2018

Welcome back! Already into our second week after Christmas. A reminder that we visit the library on Thursday. Please remember to return your book J

French - Students will finish up their postcard assignment this week. The art work for their card will take place during art on Friday. Our next major writing assignment will be a procedural writing piece. As always, spelling test and comprehension tasks take part on Friday’s.

Math - This week’s focus will be the relationship between multiplication and division. We will then focus on word problems later in the week and into next week. Unit test will be coming up soon. Throughout, we will continue to practice our facts. Mini quizzes given on Friday’s. Mathletics accounts will be updated this week. Students are encouraged to practice at home. Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice. Unit test end of next week.

Science - We continue to learn about habitats. This week students will be able to define what a producer, consumer, carnivore, herbivore and omnivore are. Fingers crossed we will be able to go outside on Friday and explore the forest behind the school.

Health - We continue to learn learning more about Canada’s Food Guide. Our focus will be what constitutes as a balanced daily diet, and recommended daily intake per category.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.

Posted: January 9, 2018

Happy New Years! I was excited on Monday to hear everyone’s stories/adventures over the break. A reminder to please ensure that students continue to dress appropriately for the weather. Students have also been inquiring about skating on our rink. I will send home a notice once the weather cooperates. The school has extra helmets and skates for those who may require either :)

French - Our focus this week will be a quick write (narrative/descriptive) about student’s Christmas break. Afterwards, students will learn how to write a postcard as a conclusion to our Social Studies unit. As always, spelling test and comprehension tasks take part on Friday’s.

Math – We have moved on from multiplication to division. Throughout, we will continue to practice our facts. Mini quizzes given on Friday’s. Mathletics accounts will be updated this week. Students are encouraged to practice at home. Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice. Unit test end of next week.

Science - We have begun a unit on Habitats. This week students will be able to define what a habitat, ecosystem, population, and community are. We will then proceed outside later in the week to observe and note what we can see/find in the forest behind the soccer field.

Health - We will be learning more about Canada’s Food Guide. Students will learn about the different groups and what constitutes a healthy balanced meal.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.
