Posted: May 17, 2022
2 permission slips have been placed in your child's book bag today. They are for our two June field trips. Please sign and return as soon as possible. Thanks.
Posted: May 17, 2022
2 permission slips have been placed in your child's book bag today. They are for our two June field trips. Please sign and return as soon as possible. Thanks.
Posted: May 10, 2022
Welcome back! I'm looking forward to a beautiful sunny week. We will begin to slowly take our classroom learning outside from time to time. On a side note, we also have pumpkin seeds planted in our classroom, which will be planted in our school community garden in June.
FYI - A field trip notice for our salmon release and seperate year end field trip will be sent home to be signed and returned next week.
French - I will begin assessing students reading individually this week in preparation for year end report cards. We also continue to practice our high frequency words daily and comprehension skills.
Math - We will use our time this week to review measurement. Moving forward, students will be learning all about geometry and 3D shapes.
Health - We continue to talk about emotions. I am still in need of a few more flyers to complete a Canada's Food Guide project with students. If you have any spare one's at home, please send with your child.
As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!
Posted: May 4, 2022
May the 4th be with you! Please note my teacher page was down for the past two weeks. I will be posting again next week :)
PS...our next field trip will be on Thursday, June 9th. We will be visiting the salmon hatchery followed by our salmon egg release in Wayerton. A notice will be going home in June.
Posted: April 5, 2022
Welcome back to our first full week of April. Report cards will be going home Monday, April 11th.
French - We continue to speak, read and write daily en français. Please continue to utilize "Je lis je lis" for reading. We are continuing with our spring theme.
Math - We will commence our new measurement unit this week, Our focus will be units (cm, cm2, m) and when to apply them.
Social Studies - We continue to learn all about New Brunswick i.e. demographics, topography, etc.
Health - We will be learning all about Canada's new food guide this week. Could you please send in grocery flyers with your son/daughter for a fun project we will undertake later in the month.
Health - We will begin to talk about emotions. Later in the month, students will create a mindfullness jar with clear glue and sparkles.
As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!
Posted: April 4, 2022
Please note I will be back to school tomorrow. My weekly update will take place Tuesday :)
Posted: March 29, 2022
Welcome back to our last week of March. Report cards are just around the corner.
Our salmon eggs have settled and are a big draw with students. I am planning a day in June to release the eggs in Wayerton. If all goes to plan, I will have a fishieries officer join us to explain their role in conserving salmon.
French - We continue to speak, read and write daily en français. Please continue to utilize "Je lis je lis" for reading. We are continuing with our spring theme.
Math - This is our last week for number sense and a review of subtraction strategies. We will be moving on to measurement next week.
Social Studies - We continue to learn all about New Brunswick i.e. demographics, topography, etc.
Health - Health class begins next week. We will be talking about Canada's Food Guide. Later in the month, I will be asking students to brings flyers from home to complete a fun food assignment.
As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!
Posted: March 21, 2022
Welcome to French and Science Week at GG. We have an eventful 4 days planned for students. Please refer to my recent post in regards to "La Semaine de la Francophonie" and the attached link for Science Week.NB Science Week 2022 March 21-24 | STEM NORTH (
Our salmon eggs from the hatchery are due to arrive today. Mr. Grant Henry from the Miramichi Salmon Association will be giving students a brief presentation about salmon to the students.
Please note that there is NO school for students Friday. It is a professional learning day for all educators.
French - We continue to speak, read and write daily en français. Please continue to utilize "Je lis je lis" for reading. Our theme will be "Le printemps"
Math - We continue to spend the remainder of the month learning different subtraction strategies and strenghtening our sense of numbers.
Social Studies - We will continue learning specifically about New Brunswick i.e. demographics, topography, etc.
As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!
Posted: March 15, 2022
Welcome back! I trust everyone had a restful and enjoyable March break. Looking forward to Spring and warmer days ahead. Feel free to wear green on Thursday for St. Patty's.
French - We continue to speak, read and write daily en français. Our theme for the week wil be St. Patrick's Day. Please continue to utilize "Je lis je lis" for reading.
Math - We will spend the remainder of the month learning different subtraction strategies and strenghtening our sense of numbers.
Social Studies - Students are wraping up their the mapping assignment. We will be moving on to learning specifically about New Brunswick i.e. demographics, topography, etc.
Exciting news...our class will partake in the Fish Friends program. The program is sponsored by the Miramichi Salmon Association. I will be installing our classroom tank this week, and we will be receiving salmon eggs from the hatchery to raise and release later in the year. The program, raising of fish, and release field trip are always a great hit with students.
As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!
Posted: February 28, 2022
Welcome back to our last week of February. I hope you all have a restful upcoming March Break.
Our middle school leadership students have organized 4 themed day activities starting Tuesday. A $1 donation/activity will go towards teh Miramichi Youth House. Activities are as follows:
Tuesday - Hat day
Wednesday - Dress like a teacher
Thursday - Crazy Sock Day
Friday - PJ Day
We will also be participating in the ASD-N WInter Challenge. The challenge is STEAM based and our class has already begin to construct a snow shelter behind the school. Weather permitting, we will complete this week.
French - Please feel free to continue with Je lis at home to support reading. I suggest 15 minutes of reading.
Math - Addition and subtraction math centers will take palce this week i.e. math bingo, trivia games, Kahoot, etc.
Social Studies - Students will be working in their large community map incorporating items such as a legend, title, etc.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Let's have a great week! Cheers :)
Posted: February 22, 2022
Please join schools across New Brunswick tomorrow, Feb 23rd as we celebrate Pink Shirt Day. This year's theme is "Lift Each Other Up To Celebrate Diversity".
Posted: February 22, 2022
Welcome back to a four day-week in 3FI. Students will be returning to the cafeteria this week to eat as the province has returned to Level 1 Covid Winter Plan.
French - Please feel free to continue with Je lis at home to support reading. I suggest 15 minutes of reading. A lot of writing has been going on lately in class. We have incorporated many of our high frequency sight and thematic words. Complete sentences and punctuation are being emphazised.
Math - Small addtion quiz by week's end. This week will serve as a review of the various strategies though. Next week, we move on to subtraction. Looking ahead, our next unit will be "Measurement."
Social Studies - I will be reading 4 different scial studies resource books to the class this week. Information provided will assist students as they will begin to create a personalized map of their own.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Let's have a great week! Cheers :)
Posted: February 11, 2022
Class list will be placed in student's reading bags today (Friday, Feb 11th) for Valentin Monday.
Posted: February 7, 2022
Welcome back to another week in 3FI. Please note that we will have a small celebration in class next Monday, Feb 14th to pass out Valentine cards.
FRENCH - We will continue with our Valentine themed activities. Last week, I was able to evaluate most student's reading. I will continue with the remainder this week. Again, please feel free to continue with Je lis at home to support reading. I suggest 15 minutes of reading.
Math - We will be adding number with two digits this week i.e. 34 + 18 = ? Students will need to unite the tens ( 30 + 10) then the ones ( 4 +8 ) then add both totals ( 40 + 12 = 52). Once then concept is mastered, we will move on to adding hundreds and thousands.
Social Studies - This week, we will be learning about maps and how legends are useful in providing information and also describing certain aspects within various regions.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Let's have a great week! Cheers :)
Posted: January 31, 2022
WELCOME BACK! I'm so glad to be back to in person learning. We spent the morning sharing stories and re-establishing our norms and routine.
FRENCH - Valentine's will be our theme for the next two weeks. This Wednesday, Feb 2nd is also Groundhog's Day. Students will create a groundhog as a art project and write whether or not the ground hog saw his shadow. We will watch a livestream event to find out.
I will also be using our time to read with students and do evaluations. Please feel free to continue with Je lis at home to support reading.
Math - Students will be learning to use a number line to find missing '"addends" and also count on. This strategie is part of our addition and subtraaction unit. I have attached 2 YouTube videos to explain the strategy. Feel free to create and practice at home.
Social Studies - This week, we will be learning about cardinal points. I will reserve a few minutes to introduce students to Google Earth which is always a big hit with everyone.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Let's have a greeat first week back! Cheers :)
Posted: January 24, 2022
Thank you to all who picked up their packages. Home learning info was provided within. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to me. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.