Mrs. J. Girouard Notes

Welcome to Mrs. Girouard's Grade 5 Math Class!


Posted: January 12, 2022

Math Home Learning-Thursday, January 13

1.) Warm-Up (10 minutes): Practice multiplication facts. See some suggestions below :).

Interactive Suggestions:

Apps (Free):

Multiplication Flash Cards

Times Tables Quiz!

Math Champions Lite

Card Game Suggestions :

Multiplication Salute:

Multiplication War:

Multiplication Pyramid:

2.)  Worksheets from Math Packet: Complete pages 13-20 (two sided) on Circling the Place Value of the Underlined Digit/Expanded Form/Ordering Numbers from Least to Greatest. Watch the following videos for a review prior to completing the worksheets:

Reminder: The video above uses a comma to separate each decade in the whole number. We use a space, NOT a comma :).

3.) Optional Today: Login to Mathletics ( to complete assigned questions or play on Mathletics Live. Students may also choose to login to the math program, DreamBox (

Please have your child complete what they can and do what works for you and your child. My goal is to not add more stress to an already stressful time for families.

Thank you for your commitment and support,

Jillian Girouard

Posted: January 11, 2022

1.) Warm-Up: Practice multiplication facts. See some suggestions below.

Apps (Free):

Multiplication Flash Cards

Times Tables Quiz!

Math Champions Lite


2.) Worksheets from Math Packet: Complete pages 5-12 (two sided) on Matching Coins to the Amounts/ Counting Money/Representing Money in Different Ways. Watch the following videos for a review prior to completing the worksheets:

3.) Login to Mathletics ( complete assigned questions or play on Mathletics Live. Students may also choose to login to the math program, DreamBox (


As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. 


Jillian Girouard :)


Posted: January 10, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

For home learning in math, I ask for students/parents to check this page daily. Here, students will find posts to help guide their learning in completing their math package. Aside from completing the sheets from their learning packet, I ask for students to practice their mental math facts to 12 each day for a minimum of 10 minutes. This can be done through interactive games, flashcards, card games, etc. I also encourage students to login to the Mathletics program daily, as students will find assigned questions individualized for them. Students should also visit our Dreambox site where they will learn and grow at their own pace. 

For today’s lesson (Jan 11th), I ask for students to watch the following video ( a review before completing the first 4 sheets (double-sided) of their math packet. These sheets are on writing numbers in word form and standard form (numerical form).

Note: In this video, they use the word "and". Students are reminded to NOT use the word "and" when saying or writing numbers. We will save that for when we get into decimals :). 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions at all.


Ms. Jillian Girouard



Posted: December 15, 2021

Notification: Students will be sent home today with two rapid Covid-19 test kits. You will find these in your child's bookbag.

Posted: December 15, 2021

Our Christmas concert will be recorded tomorrow :). Please have your child bring a Santa hat, however; if you do not have one kickin' around the house; No worries! I have plenty to spare!

If your child hasn't already done so, I ask him or her to please return their library books before they kick off their Christmas break :D!

Friday is PJ day! GG is asking all students to bring in a loonie. All donations will be given to the Miramichi Youth House.  

Thank you and have a great day!

Posted: December 8, 2021

Our Virtual Christmas Concert will be recorded on Monday, Dec 13th. 

If possible, I ask for students to bring a Santa hat and reindeer ears for their performance. I will have some extras on hand for students who do not have any :).

Thank you so much!

Posted: November 29, 2021

Good Morning,

I have assigned review questions for students on Mathletics. I am available all day if you or your child have any questions at all. I will also post this on our "Mathematics 5" team page and my teacher page. Thank you for your continued support. I know these are not easy times.

Posted: November 26, 2021

Happy Friday,

For math, I ask students to continue to log on to Mathletics or Dreambox for a minimum of twenty minutes today. I have assigned questions for students to work away at. I would like to echo Mme. Foran in saying that these are unprecedented times. Please do what you can and reach out if you have any questions at all <3.

Thank you for your continued support. 


Ms. Girouard

Posted: November 25, 2021

Good Morning!

For today in math, I have assigned questions to students on Mathletics. I ask for students to log on for a minimum of 20 minutes. Students may choose to go on Mathletics or Dreambox.

We have begun our fractions unit this week. I will post below some fun games students can play to solidify their knowledge.

Posted: November 10, 2021

Normally, we would flood our hallways with symbols to say that "We Remember". Since we cannot flood our hallways at Gretna Green, why not flood our FB page? You may wish to follow this directed drawing but please do not feel limited to drawing this particular poppy. Get creative and create/draw any symbol of peace.

Please do not forget to check out Gretna Green's Tribute To Our Veterans; Our annual slideshow which honours our GG family veterans.  Lest we forget. See link below.

Posted: November 3, 2021

Please remind your child to refer to their Rounding Rules when completing their tasks on Mathletics. See attachment below :).

PDF icon rounding_rules.pdf285.6 KB
The Mathletics November Numeracy Challenge
When: November 15 - 21
How does it work? Your child will use their Mathletics accounts to complete in Live Mathletics. Mark the dates on your calendar: 15 - 21 November 2021 (Monday - Sunday).
What is Live Mathletics?
Live Mathletics is an awesome way for students to practice their mathematics skills. They can choose to versus the computer, peers in their class, school, or even around the world in one minute mathematics battles. There are many different levels to cater to all ages.
How do students access Live Mathletics?
In the Mathletics learning space, students will find Live Mathletics in the Play area.
Students can earn points for our school by playing Live Mathletics during the event. Let's make Gretna Green school proud and earn those points! Everyone can contribute points no matter their level!
Winners and prizes
Prize packs are awarded to the top 10 schools, based on the highest average of participation points.

Posted: October 31, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to our first day/week of home learning. I hope you all had a spooktacular Halloween. I know this isn't quite what we expected but we got this! We are in this together! <3.

Earlier in the year, I sent students home with their login information for Mathletics and Dreambox as resources for Math. This week, your child can practice concepts we have learned by visiting these programs. I recommend for students to practice concepts for a minimum of 20 minutes per day on Dreambox/Mathletics or both! I also encourage students to practice their math fact fluency daily for a minimum of ten minutes. Students can practice their facts by visiting Throughout the week, I will also be posting some fun multiplication games students can play at home.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions at all. I hope we are all back together in person soon!


Ms. Girouard :)

Posted: June 9, 2021

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Posted: October 4, 2020

Just a reminder to parents that school picture day for our class will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 7th.



Ms. J Girouard :D
