Mrs. J. Girouard Notes

Welcome to Mrs. Girouard's Grade 5 Math Class!


Posted: September 28, 2020

On Friday, Oct. 2nd, our class will be participating in the Terry Fox Walk. This will take place on school grounds. This year marks the 40th Anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope. As a school, we are committed to raising money for cancer research and encourage everyone to bring in a donation in support of this worthy cause. Donations can be brought in anytime, on or before Oct. 2nd. Thank you in advance!

Posted: September 23, 2020

School picture day will be on Wednesday, Oct. 7th. 

Posted: September 23, 2020

Orange shirt day will be on Wednesday, September. 30th. 

Posted: September 12, 2020

I just wanted to let you know that we had a fantastic first week of school! The kids did great wearing masks, playing in their new playground zones and staying with their classroom bubble. Everyone is thrilled to be back to school.  We are working hard to keep everyone safe.  Have a great weekend! We will do it all over again next week! 
