Mme. Bulger-Hickey - Archived 09/19 Notes

Learnig Is Fun!


Posted: November 19, 2017

Hi everyone,  progress reports will be going home on Monday.  Your child's scheduled parent teacher date and time is written on your child's progress report. All interviews will be held in Mr. Comeau's office.  We also have some very good news ... Mme Bulger-Hickey will be returning on Monday!!! Have a good week Gators! 

Posted: November 13, 2017

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend.  Mr. Comeau will be away all week with the middle level students who are travelling to Nova Scotia for Tim Horton's Camp.  In French this week we will be putting the finishing touches on our monster descriptive paragraphs. In Math we will continue to explore overall number sense and representing numbers to 1 000 000.  In Science we will examine the dynamics of a pretty cool simple machine, paper airplanes.  Don't forget to join us for breakfast on Saturday from 9:00-11:00 am in our cafeteria, it's only $5.00 per plate!  Have a good week everyone and don't forget to dress for the weather, it's getting chilly out there.  One more thing ... great news ... Mme Bulger-Hickey is returing next week- yahoo!!!

Posted: November 8, 2017

Maths:  Study for your Math test TOMORROW

          Please refer to your review notes taken this week in your Math binder to prepare for the test.

Posted: November 7, 2017

Maths: Pg. 14

         : Study for Math test on Thursday.  A complete review was given today.  Students please review the notes that were copied down today.

Francais: Lecture silencieuse - 15 minutes

            : Journal entry due on Thursday

Posted: November 6, 2017

Maths: Pg. 4 (Questions 5,6,7)

           Pg. 12 (Questions 3,4,5)

         : Test- Thursday

Francais: Lecture Silenciuse- 15 mins

            : Journal- Must summarize a book they are reading in French - DUE THURSDAY

            : Parents- please sign journal entry mark from last week


English Lang. Arts: Test- Tuesday

Phys. Ed- Please bring in gym clothes

Welcome back everyone to another week at 'Gretna Green!  We will be having a four day week as teachers will be participating in a professional learning day on Friday.  There will also be no school on Monday, November 13th in recognition of Remembrance Day.  Congratulations to both T.J. and George who were our top two salesman in the entire school ... bravo mes amis!!!  We also won our first pizza party of the year as our class was the winning class with over 1300.00 dollars raised ... bravo!!!  We will have our pizza party on Thursday, yeah!!!

We will also be having a unit test in Math on Thursday.  We will be reviewing all week for this test.  In French we will be finishing up our descriptive writing pieces with a focus on word choice and organization.  Remember, if you have an artifact at home please bring it into school for our Sciences Humaines class. 

Let's have a great week everyone and enjoy your extra long weekend!


Posted: October 30, 2017

Maths: Pgs. 1 et Pg. 9- questions 1 et 2.

        : Study multiplication facts- 0,1,2,3,4,5,10 and 11.- QUIZ FRIDAY

Francais: Journal entry - Resumé is due on Friday

            : Lecture- 10 minutes

Phys. Ed: Bring in gym clothes

Posted: October 29, 2017

Hello everyone and welcome back to our final week of October and Halloween on Tuesday!  Thanks again to all those who brought in special treats this past week and for everyone who took part in our daily Halloween activities throughout the week.  We will be having our monthly assembly on Friday and we certainly have a lot to celebrate this month.  Great job on filling your reward board last week Mr. Comeau will announce on Monday what your prize will be.

In Math this week we will focus on our 3 x table and continue exploring our outcomes dealing with numbers and operations.  In French will begin a new writing activity as well as reading log entries with our French books. Have a good week everyone and welcome to November!


Posted: October 26, 2017

Maths: Quiz de multiplication - 0,1,2,4,5,10,11.

Posted: October 23, 2017

Maths: Pg 45. Questions 1,2,3,4

Francais: Lecture - 10 minutes

Education Physique- Bring gym clothes

Fundraiser: All fundraising money is due tomorrow.

Posted: October 22, 2017

Welcome back to our last full week of October!  Congratulations to all those who completed the Peer Helper training program last week.  We have many students particpating from our class- well done everyone!  Congratulations to all those on those on the winning soccer jamboree team ... two years in a row, well done team!  In French this week we will explore the world of script writing with our theme of respect.  In Math we will continue to work on overall number sense and the 3 X multiplication facts.  We are in for a big week of Halloween festivities and don't forget that Wednesday is a 1/2 day for all students with early dismissal at 11:15.

Here is a peek at our week ...

Monday is school color day...wear your Green, Black and Gold to show your school spirit.

Tuesday is Crazy Hair day.

Wednesday is PJ Day.  Early dismissal at 11:15.

Thursday is Orange and Black day.

Friday is Parade of Halloween costumes- we will put on our costumes after lunch.




Posted: October 19, 2017

Maths: Quiz de multiplication 0,1,2,4,5,10

Francais: Biographies sont dus demain (le vendredi)

Posted: October 17, 2017

Sciences: Signé vos projets

Francais: Biographies sont dus le vendredi

            :Lecture 10 minutes

Maths: Quiz multipliation: vendredi (1,2,4,5,10)

Fundraiser: When you are done with fundraiser please bring in your money, thanks!

Posted: October 16, 2017

Francais- Lecture 10 minutes

            -Biographie- du le vendredi 20 octobre

Maths- Signer vos tests de Math

         -Quiz de multiplication le vendredi-

         -Pg. 38- Questions 1.2 et 3.

Posted: October 15, 2017

Hello team and welcome back to another week!  This will be our last full week for our school fundraiser - remember the winning class in 3-5 wins a pizza party, yum!!!  Good luck to our soccer players who will be playing in their year end soccer jamboree on Thursday ... I will be coaching one of the teams so it should be fun!

In Math we will continue to study our mental Math strategies and Friday's multiplication quiz will include, O,1,2,4,5,10,11.  We also be exploring place value and number values up to 100 000 as well as addition strategies.  In French our biographies will be due on Friday and we will continue to our daily five routines.  Please remember to bring home your reading books every night for reading.  This will help you with your fluency in French.

In Science this week will be building and discussing a very simple machine .... mmmmmm ... I wonder what that could be?  In social studies we will be exploring our history and how artifacts can help tell our story.  Have a super week everyone!

