Wow, it's already the last week of September mes ami(e)s! We are in for an exciting week. In French class we will be starting to introduce our friends "en francais". We will be exploring three new books in French as well. You are all off to a great start in French class, bravo! In Math we will continue to work on our numbers --50 "en francais" and look at number patterns. I also have some more fun activities with our SMART responders for Math class. It's almost time to make a video - perhaps we can make this happen on Friday. On Friday I also have a special surprise that will send you searching ... mmmmmmm ... I wonder what that could be? Please don't forget to make plans for our Fall Fair being on Saturday, from 1:00-4:00 pm at Gretna Green. It will be so much fun!Invite your family to our fall Walking School
Bus to be held on Friday, September 30 starting at the Northumberland
Square Mall at 7:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome. Students must be
accompanied by a parent. Mad Science is back!!!
Today, we sent home a registration form with each child. The deadline to
register is Friday, September 30th. Space is very limited and seats
will be awarded on a first come first serve basis.