Mr. Glazier


Posted: February 16, 2024

Reminder about Theme Week at GG. Tuesday, Feb 20th is Gator Pride Day. Support GG by wearing our school colors. 

Posted: February 1, 2024

We will have a PJ Day Friday, Feb 2nd. 

Posted: January 29, 2024

Mrs. Allison has organized a Timberwolves v Students Swamp Ball game for Tuesday morning. Students will have a common recess at 9:45 then all classes are invited to watch the game at 10:15. Thank you Mrs. Allison. 

Posted: January 22, 2024

Information regarding our class scientific and field trip visits to French Fort Cove have been placed in your child's green homework bag. Any questions, please reach out. Thanks.

P.S. Our Fish Friends a.k.a. class salmon egg program will be rolling out in March. Exciting information to follow in the weeks to come. 

Posted: January 15, 2024

Welcome back! Please refer to homework sheet for this week's assignments. 

French - We continue with our winter theme. All 3-5 students will be participating in flexible grouping/centers in the afternoon for the following 4 weeks. 

Math - Students will learn how to subtract with regrouping a.k.a. "borrowing" this week. 

Social Studies - Students will be drawing a map of the classroom this week from a 2D perspective similar to a road map with a legend included. 


Library Tuesday

SNAP Wednesday

Posted: January 15, 2024

Math Center

Feel free to practice math activities online. You are able to choose French option by clicking on the flag in top right hand corner. 

Posted: January 8, 2024

Welcome back! I trust everyone has a merry and restful holiday. I look forward to talking with everyone this morning. We will be starting Show and Tell "Montre et Raconte" next week. 1 student/day will be able to bring in an item, picture, etc. to talk to the class about. Your child will be notified when it is their turn :) 

French - Our theme will be related around Winter. We will continue where we left of with our weekly words, sounds, centers, etc.

Math - We will be subtracting and estimating differences for the remainder of the month. During our morning French routine, we will be incorporating money and time.

Health - We will be talking about our emotions in conjunction with Big Brothers Big Sisters SNAP program.

Social Studies - We will be learning about maps, cardinal points and where we live in relation of other Canadian provinces.

Science - Myself and a district lead will begin planning an exciting educational outreach program through MREAC (Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee). The “Our Living Waters Initiative,” is a multicultural environmental leadership, and community engagement, program undertaken through a partnership between the MREAC and the Miramichi Historical Linkages Project to promote a greater awareness of our history, and a better approach to the care of our waterways and ecosystems. The goal is one of stewardship for all, by all. This initiative begins in the classroom and engages students through a sustained program with monthly visits and activities, at French Fort Cove. Stay tuned for future details. 

Posted: December 20, 2023

Posted: December 13, 2023

Free French Tutoring

We received this memo from our district French Immersion Subject Coordinator. 

In partnership with Apprendre Franco-Fun, Canadian Parents for French New Brunswick is offering five free online tutoring lessons for French second language students at any grade level. Lessons start in January Spots are limited. Parents can sign up starting today by clicking on the url link. 


Posted: November 26, 2023

Welcome to the last week of November. We will be visiting the Book Fair Monday and Wednesday. Thursday, we will be visting our middle level Power Play Market. Details regarding both events may be found on our GG Facebook page.


Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - SNAP

Thursday - Powerplay market in gymnasium

Friday - GG montlh assembly in the gym


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Jun 20 2024


Added: Wed, Feb 12 2020
Le Canada Sciences Humaines
GG Mannequin Challenge


Camp Mathematician K-2
Nature Ninja (Math) May 18th-22nd
Scavenger Hunt