Mr. Glazier


Posted: September 23, 2019

Posted: September 17, 2019

Welcome back to 3FI Glazier. Please note the following:

- Words of the week and a review of numbers 0-20 were sent home on Monday in student's green duo-tang. A review of voyelle sheets were also placed. Word and number quiz this Friday a.m.

- Terry Fox week at GG. Donations of dollar and/or toonie are being accepted by homeroom teachers  for Terry Fox Foundation. 

- Annual GG Walking School Bus will be taking place Thursday, September 19th.  We will be walking from Northumberland Square to school starting at 7:30am. 

- Please ensure green homework bag is returned to school daily. Many importance notices, homework, etc are placed within.

- Lastly, please refer to the link section of my teacher page. Many educational link have been uploaded and more to come as we continue our journey en français

Posted: September 9, 2019


Thursday - Meet the Teacher @ 6 p.m.

Friday - K-5 Picture Day

Posted: September 6, 2019

My name is M. Glazier, and I will be teaching your child French this year. I look forward to laying a solid foundation as your child begins to learn French

Positive communication between teachers and parents/guardians is essential. I hope the following information will help you understand certain aspects of your child's academic year.

Teacher Page:

I post frequently on my teacher page, which is located under the “Teacher Page” tab of our school website. Student’s schedules, notices, reminders, assignments, links, etc. will be updated weekly.

Likewise, it is very important that you verify our school website on a regular basis in order to know what is going on. Many notices, updates, important reminders, etc. are posted daily.

English Language Arts:

English will be taught by Mrs. Tozer weekly for 150 minutes.

Book orders:

Scholastic book orders will be sent home monthly. This is a great opportunity to build your child’s French library. Your orders also help us earn points towards additional browsing box books for our classrooms. Orders due end of month.


I try to keep homework to a minimum. I do, however, encourage your child to read every night. If work has been assigned, it will be due on Fridays. Any incomplete work (French, Math, etc.) will be sent home as well. If you have any questions, please contact me and I will respond via telephone as promptly as possible.

You may prefer your child to divide his/her workload throughout the week as he/she could have activities on certain nights such as: hockey, karate, dance or whatever the case may be. It is up to you! I hope this “homework routine” will be easier to organize your family’s schedule, as we encourage children to get involved in extracurricular activities.

Other information:

- Please send a note if your child will be absent or when there is a change in the child’s routine. School policy dictates that your child will be sent on the bus if I do not have a note stating that he/she should not “take the bus.”

- Students may keep a bottle of water (optional)

- Gretna Green is a peanut free school.

- I teach from 8:30-2:30 and committed to school extra-curricular activities on most days. I will respond to messages as promptly as possible.


Posted: June 17, 2019

Welcome back. Last Wed-Fri I was in Moncton for French Immersion meetings. It is hard to believe this is our final week of school for 2018-2019. It has been an amazing year en Français. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication to learning a new language. What a special feeling!

Please note:

Tuesday 3-5 Track and Field Day at JMH. We depart at 9 a.m. 

Wednesday students are permitted to wear their pjs. We will be joining Mrs. Yakes class to watch the movie based on the novel Fantastic Mr. Fox that had been read in class.

Mango Fun Run information sheets will be sent home Monday.

Summer Reading Challenge inforamtion sent home Monday.

Friday is a full lday for students. Report cards will be going home.

Posted: June 3, 2019

Welcome back! 3 more weeks until summer vacation. Where has the time gone?

  • Library presentation by our schools Learning Library Leaders Tuesday at 10:45 a.m.
  • Sheree Fitch will be presenting to K-5 students on Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. in the gymnasium

  • Monthly assembly for May Thursday at 1:20 p.m.

  • Bouctouche Dunes field trip Friday.

French – Madame Matlby-Ingersoll will be conducting oral interview with students this week. She will be asking questions pertaining to structures taught throughout the year.  Our weekly poem/song in entitled “Quel temps fait-il?” I posted the video on my page with the lyrics included for reference.

Guided reading will also take place with myself during our Daily 5. Please note that year end expectation for students is to be within the F-G-H range.

Math – We will be reviewing exercises related to solids. We will conclude the year with graphs and mental math activities. Please feel free to go to Learn Alberta website found in my web links to practice various outcomes. Math Reflex is also another great resource that students have been practice here at school.

Science – We will be outside Thursday (weather permitting) to learn more about soils and see what type of creepy crawlers’ lay beneath.

Please refer to our school website regularly for important information and postings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers :)



Posted: June 3, 2019

L'arbre est dans ses feuilles

Video we have been singing and learning actions to.

Posted: June 3, 2019

Kamé le chameau

Fun video we danced to.

Posted: June 3, 2019

Quel temps fait-ils?

Video that goes along with our weekly poem/song


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Sep 10 2024


Added: Wed, Feb 12 2020