Posted: February 12, 2018
Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20
Posted: February 11, 2018
Happy Valentine's Week ...on Valentine's Day, Wednesday, we will have a short celebration from 1:15 - 1:50. You will have an opportunity to exchange valentines with your classmates and celebrate this special day.
Remember to keep studying your 6 and 7 times table.
Girl's Basketball - Last week's jamboree has been re-scheduled to this Thursday. All games are at King Street school. Our girls play at 3:30 and 7:30.
Boy's Basketball - Boys have a game on Tuesday @ Max Aitken. Game time is 3:45. The boys will also be attending the Jamboree on Thursday. Boys games are at 3:30 and 5:30.
Our Supestar board is almost full. We will be able to pick out a new reward this week. Many of you are starting to use the words "Excuse Me" more oftern. Great work!!
Language Arts - This week we will be working on Sentence Fluency.
Math - Our storms day last week put us a bit behind so we will finish working on multiplication of two digits by one and strategies for the six and seven times table. We will also be starting division this week.
Social Studies - We will continue working on our Canadian Provinces projects.
Let's have another Superstart week.
Posted: February 7, 2018
This week's STEM Challenge was to make a vehicle using only 3 straws, 4 lifesavers, 1 piece of paper, 2 paperclips and 50 cm of tape. Oh can only make it move by blowing on it!! Check out our designs and final products.
Posted: February 6, 2018
Dreambox Learning
School Code - knjs/mqtz
Posted: February 4, 2018
Here comes February and all the fun that comes with it. Valentine's day is only 9 days away! I will be sending home a class list in case you want to prepare Valentine Cards for your classmates.
We will be moving on to the 6 and 7 times table in our homework this month.
Monday afternoon there will be an Earth Rangers presentation in the gym.
Basketball this week - there is a jamboree for both boys and girls on Thursday at King St. Elementary School. Girls play at 3:30 and 7:30 and boys play at 3:30 and 5:30.
Big congratulations go out to ALL our SUPERSTARS!! You did an awesome job competing in the Arcademic Cup. I am very proud of you. Unfortunately I don't think we won any prizes but our top 10 class list for points was... 1. Elias 2. Michael 3. Cohen 4. Kaden 5. Caleb. 6. Mirinda 7. Gracie 8. Alexander 9. Trenton 10. Luke
Language Arts - We are going to finish being Vowel Detectives. Last week we didn't have a chance to finish.
Math - We are going to finish multiplication and start looking at division.
Social Studies - We are going to continue to work on our Canadian Province Projects.
Science - We have another STEM Challenge we are going to attempt this week called "Puff Mobile"
Let's have another Superstar Week!
Posted: February 2, 2018
On Thursday we took advantage of our Gretna Green outdoor rink. The weather was great and so was the skating. Thanks to Gracie's mom, Jarrad's mom, Caleb's mom and Nate's dad who came to help out!!
Posted: February 2, 2018
Grade 3-4 Superstars participated in the Arcademics Cup on Thursday and Friday. They worked hard to solve as many multiplications problems as they could, as fast as they could!! Well done Superstars!
Posted: January 29, 2018
Congratulations Jarrod for winning 1st Place at the Split Arrow Archery Club in Rexton. ...
Posted: January 28, 2018
Wow, the last week in January...this month flew right by. I hope everyone had a great weekend. The Arcademic Cup take places this week on Thursday and Friday. To get points for the Cup you have to play Grand Prix Multiplication during these two days. We will devote some school time for this and if you have an opportunity to play at home that will help you get more points too! We are going to plan to skate again on Thursday afternoon if the weather and rink conditions permit.
Language Arts - This week we will be Word Dectives searching for vowel sounds. Each day we will work with a different vowel sound.
Math - This week we will learn how to double the 3 times table to get answers for th 6 times table. We will also be learning what multiples are and we will continue learning how to multiply two digit numbers by a one digit number.
Social Studies - We will complete our research on our Provinces and begin to prepare our presentations.
Let's have another Superstar week!
Posted: January 24, 2018
Please note that we will not be going skating on Thursday afternoon due to ice conditions. We will pick another day next week to go.