Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4

Happy New Year Superstars and Welcome Back!!  I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas holidays.  Welcome to our two new students who will be joining us on Tuesday.  We look forward to meeting you.  Remember to continue to dress for the weather. There is lots of fun snow to play in when it warms up more, but you will need snowpants, hat and mitts to enjoy it!  Our GG rink is up and going. Once it is cleared off from the last storm we will plan a time to go skating.  You have had a nice long break from homework so guess what....Homework will start again right away and so will our weekly multiplication quizzes.  The focus of our SUPERSTAR board is trying not to interrupt when two people are talking.

Language Arts - This we will be focusing on the Writing Trait on Organization. We will continue our Daily 5 routine.

Math - We will review subtraction with large numbers and get ready for a test on this next week.  Also we will continue with Reflex, Mathletics and look at a new trial website we have for a month called Arcademics.  There is a competion with this website  called the "Arcademic Cup" will be discussing.

Heath - We will finish writing and recording our projects on Healthy Kids.

Let's have our first Superstar week of 2018!





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Added: Tue, Mar 19 2019


Added: Sat, Jan 26 2019