Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4

Hopefully everyone remembered to turn their clocks back an hour this weekend.  Our mornings won't be as dark anymore...yeah!  A reminder that this week is only a 4 day week of school.  There is NO school on Friday as there is Professional Development for teachers. As well, there is no school next Monday due to the Remembrance Day holiday.

We will be having our GG Remembrance Day service on Thursday morning at 10:00.

The Spelling Test for our School Spell A Thon Fundraiser will take place on Thursday.  Make sure you are getting sponsors!!

Language Arts - This week we will be learning our November words and we will be learning what a Contraction is.

Math - We will be working on Measurment and adding two digit numbers.

Science - We will be finishing our unit on Soils

Let's have another Superstar Week.

Posted: November 4, 2018

Contraction Practice

Posted: October 31, 2018

Posted: October 28, 2018

It's Halloween Week at GG! Monday is Crazy Hair Day. Tuesday is Black and Orange Day and Wednesday is our Annual Parade of Costumes. The parade will be at 1:30 in our school gym. A reminder that you are not allowed to wear your costume to school. You will have time after lunch to change into your costume.

There will be a short assembly Monday afternoon at 1:30 to kick off our school fundraiser.

Remember to check your drama schedule to be certain what day you will have to stay afterschool.

Language Arts - This week we will have a test on our October words and we will begin learning our November words.

Math - We will be working on telling time and measuring with centimetre and metre.

Social Studies - We will be starting a Unit on Community this week.

Health - We will have our sixth lesson of SNAP.

Let's have a another Superstar Week!

Posted: October 26, 2018

Bryce and his sister attended a Splash N Boots concert last night. Bryce's sister was receiving an award and Bryce was called up to stage too to receive an award. Bryce saved his money to have Splash and Boots buy another heart pillow for a derserving boy or girl.  The heart was created...

Posted: October 26, 2018

We went outside today with our Reading Buddies for TAKE ME OUTSIDE DAY. We created patterns with chalk!!

Posted: October 26, 2018

Rhylee was the Sun FM Weather Kid today!

Posted: October 23, 2018

Mental Math - Addition

Posted: October 23, 2018

Mental Math - Loop Cards


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Mar 19 2019


Added: Sat, Jan 26 2019