Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4

Posted: June 21, 2018

Posted: June 20, 2018

We grew our plants from seed in our Garden Tower and today we replanted them in our GG Community Garden.

Posted: June 20, 2018

Posted: June 18, 2018

Wynston and Trenton chose to do a News Report for part of their personal projects that we worked on durin the last two weeks of school.

This is our last week of school superstars!! It is going to be a great week! Remember that the cafeteria is closed this week. You can not order or buy anything. You need to bring your lunch.

Monday - There will be a short assembly in the afternoon. to practice our "song".

Tuesday - Track and Field(JMH High School) - This is an all day event so make sure you are prepared.  Wear sneakers and dress for the weather. You should bring a hat, sunscreen, a lunch and water. 

There will be a canteen on site selling the following: Taco Salad in a Bag $5.00, Hotdog $2.00, hamburgers $3.00, Chips $1.00, cookies $1.00, muffin $1.00, orange slices in a bag $1.00 and water $1.00,

Wednesday - We are going to re-plant our plants from our Tower Garden into the school's new community garden. There will be a short presentation from the Newcastle Public Library.

Thursday - There will be a year end assembly at 10:00 and in the afternoon we will have our annual student-teacher softball game.

Friday - report card day. Dismissal will be at 11:15

Let's have our last SUPERSTAR week!

Posted: June 14, 2018

Posted: June 13, 2018

Thanks to Alexandria McLean, Kaydren and  Abry's mom for teaching us about the Metis culture and about Northern Saskatchewan

Posted: June 12, 2018

Posted: June 10, 2018

Only 2 more weeks left Superstars!! I can't believe our year is almost over. This week is going to be another fun and exciting week!

Tuesday we have our class trip to Clay Cafe. We will leave the school around 8:50 and walk to Clay Cafe.

Thursday we will have our class trip to Kouchibouguac. The weather looks like it is going to be nice for both trips.  Remember to dress for the weather and bring a bag lunch to Kouchibouguac. There will be NO MICROWAVE the heat things up.

We are going to try to finish up our Personal Projects this week as well.

This is our final week for Daily 5. Your binders and writing folders will go home with you on Friday.

We will be doing Math Centers again this week.

Let's have another Superstar week!


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Added: Tue, Mar 19 2019


Added: Sat, Jan 26 2019