Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4

Posted: October 13, 2014

 Welcome back to another fabulous week in GG4SS!!! Only 4 short days of school this week!* Last week's cancelled Cross Country run in Blackville is re-scheduled for this Wednesday. It is the last run of the season.*The grade 4-5 Soccer Jamboree will take place on Thursday afterschool at CROFT! The first game is at 3:30.*Mad Science continues this week.*Drama continues this week..check your schedule for your practice time.* Our School Fundraiser will end on Friday.  There are lots of great prizes for those of you who sell.On Wednesday this week, we will be going on our Field Trip to the Fire Station and 95.9 SUN FM!!! Language Arts - We will be working on the first of the Nifty Fifty words this week.  As well, we will continue to explore the Writing Trait of Ideas.Math - This week we will be working on Adding with 3 and 4 digit numbersScience - We will finish up our Rocks and Mineral projects and present them to the class. Let's have another Superstar week!!!

Posted: October 9, 2014

Addition Practice

Posted: October 6, 2014

Thank you to Mr. Savoy who taught us how to Geocache!
 We have 3 day week ahead of us!! There will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday and Friday this week due to Professional Learning Days for teachers.  Also, Monday is Thanksgiving Monday and there will be NO SCHOOL!!* Drama, Cross Country and Soccer continue this week.*Our school Fundraiser starts this week!  Language Arts - We will continue with our Daily 5 this week.  Our Spelling Test will be on Wednesday. We will also finish up the "Night Before Thanksgiving" activity.Math - We will finish our Lesson on Mental Math Strategies.Science - We will develop a Rubrix for our Rock and Mineral projects and we will start working on our projects.Let's have another Superstar week! 

Posted: October 1, 2014

Yesterday, Richard Chapman from was our guest speaker via Skype.  He explained to us how Suprevolcanoes are formed.
 This is the last week of September and the beginning of October and we have a great week ahead of us.Congratulations again on being chosen as the Dynamo Dragon and Class of the Month and also congratulations to Max, our Go Go Getter Student of the Month!!*Tuesday we have Guest Speaker via Skype, Richard Chapman.  He is going to talk to us about Super Volcanoes!!!*Thursday - Mr. Savoy has a Geocaching session lined up for us!  We will be learning more about Rocks and Minerals through Geocaching.Cross Country, Soccer and Drama continue this week.Welcome back to Gretna Green Aidan Allison and welcome to GG4SS!! You are a SUPERSTAR!! Language Arts - We will be continue to work on our Daily 5.  We are trying to become better readers, writers and spellers!  We will also be working on vowel sounds.Math - We will be looking at Mental Math stratgies for adding big numbers.Social Studies - we will be continuing with our Unit on Rocks and Minerals.Let's have a another Superstar week!

Posted: September 26, 2014

 Congratulations Max for winning the Go-Go Getter Student of the Month! Max was filling buckets this week on the playground by looking out for other students!! Well done Max!

Posted: September 26, 2014

Congratulations Superstars for winning Dynamo Dragon Class of the Month!! All your hard work preparing for the Terry Fox Spare Change Drive has paid off!! Well Done!!

Posted: September 25, 2014

Remember that the Walking School Bus will take place tomorrow(Friday September 26). Be at the Northumberland Square Mall by 7:30 and join us in walking to school. It is a great way to start your day!

Posted: September 25, 2014

Pictures compliments of Riley


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