Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4
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Emma and Keylee created this Stop Animation.  It is a scene from the book "My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish"

Posted: June 11, 2014

Posted: June 10, 2014

"The Zombie Attack" written by Landon Rooney and created by Cole Tweedie and Landon Rooney

Posted: June 10, 2014

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"The Secret Room" created by Shahd and Alyia

Posted: June 10, 2014

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"Pancakes" written and created by Maddy and Olivia

Posted: June 8, 2014

 Only 10 short days of 4th Grade left.  I am really going to miss my Superstars!!!  We have a fun week ahead of us. Monday - There will be a short presentation from the Public Library @1:15 in the gym.Tuesday - Camp Sheldrake has a presentation for us @12:45 in the gym.Wednesday - Our Field Trip to Kouchibougac. Remember to dress for the weather.  It looks like it will be a nice day.  Bring sunscreen, water and a lunch that doesn't need to be heated up.Thursday - The Boys and Girls Club will be setting up their FUNZONE at Gretna Green.  We will be scheduled to go out and have fun for a short period of time. Language Arts - We will be finishing up our Literacy Projects.Math - We are going to create Math Board GamesScience - We are going to finish our Rocks and Mineral presentations. Let's have another Superstar week!! 

Posted: June 6, 2014

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This Stop Motion was written and created by Mika Clancy.

Posted: June 5, 2014

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Tyra and Bethany wrote and created this orginal short story.
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This Stop Animation project was created by Cole D and Karsen

Posted: June 1, 2014

 Only 3 more Monday left before Summer holidays. Wow Grade 4 went by so fast!!*Biking Club - There will be a biking club meet at GG this week on Thursday at 3:45.  Good luck to all our bikers!*Drama is finished for the year.  Congratulations to all our actors and actresses, backstage helpers and choir members.  You were awesome!! Language Arts - This week we are going to spend most of our Language period working on our Literacy Projects.Math- We are going to finish our Unit on Measurement and begin our Unit on Geometry.Science - We are going to work on our Rock and Mineral projects! Let's have another Superstar week!!


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Added: Tue, Mar 19 2019


Added: Sat, Jan 26 2019