Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4

Posted: December 15, 2013

 Heh Superstars....only 5 more schools day until Christmas holidays!! I hope everyone is enjoying thier storm day today.  I wonder Sprite was up to on the weekend?  Hopefully he was a good elf!* We have a Mystery Skype on Tuesday morning, if everything works out.                             * On Wednesday there will be Christmas Activities in the gym all day.                             * Thursday you can wear your Santa hat or your Elf hat to school.                             * Friday is RED and GREEN day!!   Language Arts - This week we are going to finish our Audio Christmas Cards and our Christmas Acrostic Poems.Math - We are going to finish our Unit on Patterns and EquationsSocial Studies - We are going to finish our Biographies on Explorers. We have a busy but fun week ahead!! Let's have a Superstar week!

Posted: December 11, 2013

 Mika is our Star Student of the Week.  Mika was born on October 26.  She is 9 years old.  Mika loves spaghettie and the color orange.  Her favorite animal is a cat.  The best part of school that Mika likes is ...going home!  Mika loves that she is artistic!!

Posted: December 8, 2013

 10 more school days before Christmas holidays!!! (Not that we are counting!!)  This week is a funfilled week of learning in GG4SS. * It is Christmas Door Decorating Contest time again. The judging will take place on Friday so we have the first part of the week to decide what we are going to do.  Get your thinking hats on!*The Annual Christmas Dinner in the cafeteria will take place on Wednesday.  If you don't have your orders in yet please do so on Monday.                             * We have two Mystery Skypes planned for this week.  One on Monday and one on Friday. Hopefully we will win this time!!                              *Basketball for boys will begin on Monday....remember your basketball clothes.  Also remember to arrange a drive home at 3:30! Language Arts - This week we will continue to look at the Writing Trait of Word Choice. We will also be writing an Audio Christmas card,Math - We will continue to work on our unit on Patterns and Equations. We will use the Extreme Collaboration add-on later in the week.Social Studies - We will be working hard on our Biographies this week trying to get them finished before Christmas holidays.  Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: December 6, 2013

 GG4SS was suprised this morning with a new addition to our class. Meet "Sprite" our Elf on the Shelf.  He is having a swinging good time in grade 4.

Posted: December 4, 2013

Posted: December 2, 2013

   This week's star student is Ryan.  Ryan was born on April 7.  He is 9 years old.  Ryan loves Math and pizza!  His favorite color is blue.  Ryan's favorite animal is a dog.  Ryan loves everything about himself because he is an awesome kid!

Posted: December 2, 2013

   DECEMBER WORDS  conversation                   forgottennon-living                        swimmingunpleasant                      valuableunimaginable


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