Ms. Matheson

Ms. Matheson

Posted: October 16, 2016

        This week we will be working on the letters Ff and Gg.  Show your parents the zoophonics sound and signal for Francie fish and Gordo gorilla.   Funny, Friday, first and fish start with the letter f.  The /g/ sound can be found in the words gum, guitar, dog and great.  What words do you know that begin or end with these letters? What would your name be if it started with these letters?  I'd be Fiss Fatheson or Giss Gatheson! That would be silly!!!  Practice printing these letters at home.  We are learning about rhyming.  Do cat and hat rhyme?  How about dog and muffin? Keep practicing the sight words for October (a, I, like, and, the, to).  In writer's workshop we will keep writing stories through pictures and work on stretching out our words for sounds.  Remember the more detail you add, the clearer the story becomes!    

        In Math, we are going to finish up our unit on patterns and spend time looking at the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5! "" has lots of fun Math games to try at home.

        Library is Thursday.  Show and Tell is Friday. Check the schedule to see if it's your turn.




Posted: October 14, 2016

Posted: October 14, 2016

Posted: October 11, 2016

            We will be working on the letter Ee this week. Ee is a hard working vowel that makes 2 sounds. Sometimes it says /e/ as in egg, elephant, Elle and Elmo.  It can also say its' name /e/ as in Easter, eagle and Eva! Look for the letter Ee at home, practice printing it and make lists of words that have the letter e. 

           Keep practicing your sight words: I, and, to, the, like, a.  Try writing sentences using these words.  (I like pizza.  Owen and Roman like to play with cars.)

          It's fire prevention week.  We will have some special firefighter visitors on Thursday.

          Remember to bring back your library book for Thursday.


Posted: October 5, 2016

Posted: October 2, 2016

            This is a short week in Kindergarten.  There is no school on Thursday and Friday (PD Days).  We will spend the week reviewing the letters Aa (Allie Alligator), Bb (Bubba Bear), Cc (Catina Cat) and Dd (Deedee Deer).  At home, have your child search for these letters, practice printing the letters and find things that begin with each of these sounds. 

          We have started learning some sight words to help as we get ready to learn to read.  Our words for October are: I, like, to, the, and, a.  New sight words will be sent home each month.  When reading, it's important to be able to quickly identify these words in print.

         In Math, we are working on creating, extending and recognizing patterns.  We are also looking at the numbers 1 to 5.

         Homework will begin next week. A calendar will be sent home with a list of  activities to complete.  Your child will also take home some books to read.  When reading them with/to your child, have them point out various letters, sounds, punctuation, etc.  Homework books will be sent home at the begining of the week and are to be returned to school on Fridays.

         Have great week and enjoy your Thanksgiving long weekend!

Posted: September 29, 2016

We will be going to the Library every Thursday.  Everyone is allowed to check out 1 book and keep it at home for the week.  Remember to bring it back by Thursday so you can get a new one!

Posted: September 27, 2016

Posted: September 27, 2016

Posted: September 22, 2016

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