Ms. Matheson

Ms. Matheson

Posted: April 26, 2016

Thursday is career day at Gretna Green! Come to school dressed as what you want to be when you grow up (vet, teacher, doctor, scientist, rockstar, etc.). Have fun deciding!

Posted: April 25, 2016

Posted: April 12, 2016

Posted: April 3, 2016

Activities to Develop Fine Motor and Gross Motor Skills

This website contains wonderful ideas to strengthen your child's fine and gross motor skills.

Posted: April 3, 2016

Fun Ideas to Practice Sight Words

This website has many great hands-on activities to use to help your child practice sight words. Many of the activities can be adapted for use with letters, letter sounds and blending.

Posted: March 30, 2016

Posted: March 20, 2016

We have been very busy in Kindergarten.  Everyone has been working very hard learning to read. I am very pleased with the great progress everyone has made learning their letters, sounds and sight words.  Keep up the great work!  In writing, we are working on writing sentences independently by using sight words, the word wall and by stretching out words for sounds.  Remember to add details, the more toppings on the pizza, the better it tastes!In Math, we continue to work on numbers to 10.  Some concepts we are currently covering include number order (before/after), counting forward and back from various starting points and showing numbers in 2 sets (5 and 3 make 8). 

Posted: March 20, 2016

Tickets on an awesome Easter Basket will be sold at noon hour from Monday to Thursday.  All tickets will be 0.25 each. The draw will be on Thursday afternoon.

Posted: March 20, 2016

The Scholastic Book Fair is back!  It will be running Monday to Thursday this week.  We will be going as a class on Monday and Tuesday.  If you would like your child to purchase a book, please send the money in a baggie with your child's name on it. Thanks!

Posted: March 2, 2016

Tomorrow will be PJ Day and Friday will be Green and Gold Day!


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