Ms. Matheson

Ms. Matheson

Posted: November 16, 2015

Posted: November 15, 2015

We will be going to the book fair Monday and Tuesday. If your child wants to buy a book, please send the money in a Baggie with their name on it. Thanks!

Posted: November 9, 2015

Posted: November 9, 2015

Math Games

Great link for some fun Math games to try at home!

Posted: November 8, 2015

This week we are working on the letters Kk and Ll. Keep practicing all the letters and sounds!  Look for words that begin or end with these sounds.  Practice using letter sounds and sight words to write stories at home.   Review your sight words on a regular basis!!! Our Remembrance Day Ceremony is Tuesday at 10:15.  Practice your song at home!      In Math, we are working on numbers to 5.  Practice counting forward and backward.  Find sets of objects up to 5 (4 chairs, 3 books, 5 apples).  Practice printing your numbers.    Library is Thursday.  There is no school on Wednesday.

Posted: November 3, 2015

Once again this year we will be recognizing veterans within the Gretna Green learning community.  If you have a veteran in your family you would like recognized please send Mr. Comeau a photo at the following email address, keith.comeau@nbed.nb.caTheir photo will be featured in our slideshow during this year's remembrance day program on Tuesday, November 10th at 10:15 am.

Posted: November 3, 2015

We are having a Pizza Party!!! Our class won the pizza party for the fall fundraiser.  We will be ordering pizza for lunch on Friday, Nov. 6.  We will be eating in the classroom that day, so if your child doesn’t like pizza, please send a lunch that doesn’t have to be microwaved.  Your child will need a recess snack and drink.

Posted: October 30, 2015

Posted: October 28, 2015

Posted: October 23, 2015


Image Galleries

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