Ms. Matheson

Ms. Matheson

Posted: November 26, 2013

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Kade shows us the reading strategies of pointing to each word, using beginning sounds and looking at picture cues.  Great job, Kade!

Posted: November 25, 2013

On Wednesday, the Grade 5's will be having a nut free bake sale to raise money for their end of year field trip. Yummy!!

Posted: November 24, 2013

Posted: November 24, 2013

This week, we are working on the letters Tt (Timothy tiger) and Uu (Umber Umbrella Bird).  What happens to your tongue when you make the sound for t?  Tt can be found in the words Tuesday, toe, to, two and the.  Uu is a vowel and makes 2 sounds.  Sometimes it makes the short /u/ sound as in rug, bug, fun, under and Sunday.  It can also say its' name like in the words universe, use and usually.   Practice printing these letters at home.  What words can you think of that rhyme with fun and with bug?   We will be recording our Christmas jokes for the morning announcements this week! Yay!   We will continue to practice our song for the Christmas concert with Mrs. Bransfield.  The concert is only a week away!   We are starting some centers this week with Mrs. O'Toole's class!  The classes will be mixed and you will get a chance to work with some new friends!   Remember to bring a toonie for a mustache tomorrow!!!   Friday is Crazy Sock Hop Day.  You can dance through recess in your fanciest socks!

Posted: November 20, 2013

Gretna Green is supporting the MOvember campaign and is raising awareness for men's health issues.  All students that bring in a toonie will be given a mustache to wear on Monday, November 25th.  Please help support this important cause!    

Posted: November 17, 2013

Posted: November 17, 2013

Our letters of the week are Rr (Robbie rabbit)  and Ss (Sammy snake).  They are both consonants.  Rr is found in the words rice, rabbit, Keira, Tyler, Zackary, Drew and Friday.  Ss is found in Miss Matheson, snake, Samuel, Sidney, Jackson, seal and silly.  What happens to your mouth when you make these sounds?  Practice printing them at home and see how many words you can find with these letters. Keep practicing the sounds for all the letters and work on your sight words.   Ms. Bransfield will help us practice our song for the Christmas concert this week.  The concert will be on December 4th.   Report cards will be sent home on Monday.  Parents, please sign and return the envelope.  Parent teacher appointment times are attached to the report cards.  There is no school on Friday.   The Scholastic Book Fair will be at the school this week.  Our viewing times will be on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Library is Thursday - don't forget your books!

Posted: November 12, 2013

We are almost through the entire alphabet! Wow! I am really proud of the progress everyone has made learning their letters and sounds.  Show your parents what you know and sing the "Do You Know Your Alphabet" song with them.    This week we will be working on the letters Pp and Qq (peewee penquin and queeny quail).  Pp can be found in the words puzzle, pencil, Ophelia and puppy. The lowercase p  and q hang below the line when we print.  Qq sounds like /kw/ and can be found in the words queen, quiet, quick, question and quilt.  Notice anything special about those words????? The letters q and u stick together like glue! They are Best Friends!!  Keep reviewing your sight words and letter sounds at home.   In Math, we are working on printing our numbers neatly and counting to 5.    We will be learning our song this week for the Christmas concert! Wow!    

Posted: November 4, 2013

Posted: November 4, 2013


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