Posted: October 25, 2013
Ms. Matheson
Ms. Matheson
Posted: October 25, 2013
Posted: October 23, 2013
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Posted: October 23, 2013
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Posted: October 23, 2013
Congratulations to Samuel! He was the third highest seller in the school fundraiser and won a digital camera!! way to go, Samuel!
Our class won the pizza party for the fundraiser!!! Yay! I'll send a note home to let you know when it will be.
Posted: October 20, 2013
Picture retakes will be on October 28th. Please send me a note, if you want your child to have a retake. Thanks.
Posted: October 20, 2013
This week we will be working on the letters Jj and Kk. Show your parents the zoophonics signals for jerry jellyfish and kaya kangaroo. Jj is found in the words jump, jellybean, Jennifer and jack-o-lantern. Kk can be found in kick, king, Keira, Kade, Kaden and back. Practice printing these letters at home. Look through the alphabet and show your parents all the letters that have a "plop" in them. Keep practicing the sight words: I, like, to, the, a, and. We are also working on rhyming. Remember that rhyming words sound the same at the end. Cat and bat rhyme. So do dog and log. How many other words can you think of that rhyme? Sing 'Down by the Bay' with your parents to help practice rhyming.
In Math, we are working on the numbers 1 - 5. We will be counting, printing and making sets.
Libray is Thursday - don't forget your books! Show and Tell is Friday. Check the schedule to see if it's your turn. I am very impressed with your choices so far!
Have a great week!
Posted: October 17, 2013
Posted: October 17, 2013
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Posted: October 14, 2013
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with their families! We are working on the letters Hh and Ii this week. The letter h can be found at the beginning of the words happy, horse and holiday. I is a vowel and makes 2 sounds. It can be found in the words ice, igloo, Friday, library and it. Show your parents the signals for honey horse and inny inchworm. Keep practicing your letter sounds!
In Math, we will be finishing up patterns and starting a new unit on numbers to 5.
Library is on Thursday. Interim reports will be sent home on Friday. Mrs. Bransfield will be teaching us a song this week for the upcoming Remembrance Day ceremony.