Posted: February 5, 2020
Due Date:
Hello Parents!
We have reached the point in our STEM Projects where students are ready to or should be already working on their experiments at home. Ideally they should have these done by next Tuesday. If we happen to have a storm day on Friday, this would be a great day to complete them. Students since the beginning of January, have been working on projects. They have selected topics, done research, figured out their questions and variables, their hypothesis and are finishing up their procedures. In order to be able to do up their conclusion and data results, then they need to have completed their project.
They were told last week that they should be working on their experiment, prototype or study at home in order to be done for next week. Many have done this, and many have not. As this is a cross curricular project, they have had time to work on the writing in class for French and Science. Next week, we will be moving into the final phase of the project and in order to do so, projects must be completed.
I want to explain as well, that if a project does not get the result that the student thought would happen, then this if ok, in fact it is encouraged, because it is a part of the scientific method. Students will simply discuss this in their conclusion, discussing what they think went wrong, and what they would do differently next time.
I am attaching the necessary documents that we have used so far for your own information although, all students will be sent home with their packets tomorrow to work on for the weekend.
FINAL PROJECTS ARE DUE FEBRUARY 18TH 2020 as this is when we will be completing presentations in order to get ready for the GG Stem Fair Showcase which is Tuesday February 25th 2020 in the afternoon.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at I check my emails every night while at home, so I should be able to get back to you fairly quickly.
Mme A