
Posted: September 12, 2016

Math 8

-We reviewed how to add and subtract integers using models today.   This was a review of grade 7 material and will help students with our first assignment.

-Today we practiced how to show multiplication of integers with models. We spent more time reviewing how to correctly draw the number line models.   Students practiced how to show their work correctly.  Notes are posted below.

-Homework p. 68 Q 8 c and, Q 11 and Q 18

-Our first assignment was handed out and it is due Thursday.  This reviews material from grade 7.

Math 7

-Today we practiced how to model positive and negative numbers using <<des jetons>>.  Students were able to see that a << une paire nulle>> is one red and one yellow jetton and that it has a value of zero.  Students were able to solve addition problems.  Notes are posted below.

-Homework Assignment is due next class.   Students were given most of today’s class to work on this assignment while I met with students individually.   If you have forgotten your assignment at school I have a copy scanned into the notes below that you can print off at home.

-Today in class I visited with each student to confirm that they could properly model positive and negative numbers more than one way.  They can do this by adding <<des paires nulles>>.

-  We will have a quiz latter this week on addition of integers using <<des jettons>> and modeling and ordering numbers.

Tutorial video for adding integers using <<des jetons>> can be found at the following link. 

H:\Math 7 2013 2014\module 2 integers\adding_integers_with_jetons_video.swf



Science 6

-Today we reviewed the terms classification, sub-groups and traits.  We used a group activity to practice breaking objects up into a classification system.

-No homework.  Notes posted below.

Science 8

-Today we talked about microscopes.  We did some guided reading from the text.

-Students were given a sheet to answer questions from the readings.  We will be working on our science literacy skills this year.



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PDF icon sept_12th_math_7.pdf4.07 MB