
Posted: January 20, 2014

Keeping the drinks in snacks healthyKeeping the drinks in snacks healthyDid you know that fruit drinks, pop, and sports drinks usually contain lots ofadded sugar, very few vitamins and may contain caffeine? For example, one 700mlbottle of sports drink has 10 teaspoons of sugar – the same amount in one can of pop. These are not considered healthy beverage choices.

Posted: January 17, 2014

 Voyez comment Alex, avec l'aide de Superflex Karsen est capable de vaincre Jeanne le détestable!  Check out latest video created by Mrs. Morehouse and her cool Super Flex Crew.

Posted: January 12, 2014

Making Healthy Snacks Fun! Snacks are important and children should enjoy eating them too. If we enjoy something we are more likely to do it. This document attached below, provide you with tips on how to get your children interested in the snacks that they are eating beginning from helping to select them at the grocery store to opening up their lunch box to see what will make their recess time more exciting. Read on for some exciting ideas and recipes.

Posted: January 11, 2014

 Our Home & School recently asked our learning community for donations of apple juice to support our daily breakfast program. We want to thank all those parents who supported us with a donation.  If you haven't done so already and would like to donate simply drop off your apple juice at the office, thanks!

Posted: January 9, 2014

 Tom Burns from "Cutting Edge Fitness" returned to Gretna Green once again this year to produce a new series of exercise videos for our morning announcements. The videos are available for viewing in Students' Corner so that our students can continue to exercise at home too! A big thanks goes out to Tom for making this great initiative happen once again this year!

Posted: January 8, 2014

It's Drama time again!  We are making preparations for our spring production, The Wizard of Oz!  Grades 3-5 students interested in acting roles and Grades 2-5 students interested in choir are to meet with Ms. Bransfield on Thursday, January 9 to sign up.  Listen to morning announcements for times.  Auditions for acting roles will be held on Thursday, January 16, from 2:30 to 3:30.  Students will receive their audition scripts Friday, January 10. 

Posted: January 6, 2014

 The Miramichi Police Force recently held a fitness stair climb challenge and generously donated all their proceeds to our school breakfast program.  We would like to thank Greg Scott and all members of the force who worked together to make this happen.  Your initative to support programs like our breakfast program is very much appreciated.  Well done Miramichi Police Force! See attachment for further details.

Posted: January 6, 2014

This month the focus for the Mango Mania Blitz is on Healthy Snacks. Keep looking for our weekly posts about these “mini meals” that are very important to children and their ability to play and learn. Snacks are important to both children and adults and we will provide some snack ideas as well as some advice on how to make snacks appealing to your children. The attached document will help introduce the topic and get you started with some ideas. January 27th - 31st will be Mango Mania challenge week so children will be encouraged to bring healthy snacks to school.

Posted: January 4, 2014

 First day for students will be Tuesday, January 7th. All teachers and support staff have a designated Professional Learning Day on Monday, January 6th.  We are all looking forward to seeing your return boys and girls!

Posted: January 2, 2014

Mme Dickson recently applied for a ArtsSmart Grant for Immersion students and was selected as a recipient for 2014.  The project will provide funding to supply professional wood carver, Charles Bernard, the opportunity to lead her students through a series of tutorials on wood carving. We are all looking forward to seeing their end products, congratulations!


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