
Posted: December 30, 2013

 The entire learning community of Gretna Green would like to wish you all a happy new year! We look forward to making great things happen once again at Gretna Green in 2014. We would also like to remind you that all students will be returning to class on Tuesday, January 7th. All teachers and support staff have a designated Professional Learning Day on Monday, January 6th.

Posted: December 19, 2013

 We would like to extend a sincere and happy holiday to each and everyone of you!  Take this time to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends.  We look forward to seeing you all in 2014 and continuing to make great things happen at Gretna Green! Classes will resume for students on Tuesday, January 7th.

Posted: December 19, 2013

 Check out the latest video created by our Super Flex crew at Gretna Green.  In this video you will see that Mean Jean has been defeated.  A lot of great strategies are shared in this video.  See how Mika, with the help of Superflex Austyn, is able to defeat Mean Jean!! Check it out by visiting Mrs. Morehouse's teacher page or by clicking this link,  

Posted: December 18, 2013

 Meaghan and Michael's grandmother,Ethel Chaulk, travelled all the way from Newfoundland to spend Christmas with her grandchildren and recieved an early Christmas gift!  She was the lucky winner of our Christmas six drawer chest filled with an assortment of prizes.  Merry Christmas Ethel and congratulations from all of us at Gretna Green!!!

Posted: December 17, 2013

 Our student council have organized a variety of Christmas activities to finish off our week before our two week holiday.  During phys.ed class on Wednesday they will lead all classes through a variety of Christmas themed physcial activities and games.  Thursday is wear your elf or santa hat to school day.  Friday is red and green day.  We encourage all students to participate and show our school spirit at Gretna Green!

Posted: December 14, 2013

 This photo was recently selected by the New Brunswick Teachers' Association as a winner in their recent Movember photo contest. Featured in this photo is the entire staff and students all sporting a moustache in support of our school campaign. Special thanks to Mme Dickson, Mrs. Simmons, GG Times and students who organized this great event! Congratulations Gretna Green!

Posted: December 11, 2013

 Our grade five students were treated to a unique learning experience offered by Mr.Paul MacKinnon.  They travelled to the MVHS pool where they participated in a canoe skills training session.  The basic skills of canoe safety, paddling and overall logistics of how to handle a canoe were reinforced throughout the session.

Posted: December 7, 2013

 Gretna Green would like to thank all those who attended our annual Christmas Craft Sale and Holly Tea.  The turnout was great and a perfect way to kick off the holiday season. A special thanks goes out to Mrs. Arbeau and the Gretna Green staff who successfully helped to organize this annual tradition once again this year!

Posted: December 7, 2013

 Our Immersion and Intensive French students attended a French play at Carrefour Beausoleil this week and truely ejoyed the holiday cultural experience.  A good time was had by all!

Posted: December 4, 2013

 On behalf of the entire learning community of Gretna Green we would like to thank Ms. Bransfield and her entire cast for producing a memorable Christmas production once again this year.  After several weeks of rehearsals today's show culminated into a quality spectacle of student talent for all those in attendance.  It certainly was a great way to kick off the holiday season.  Thanks Ms. Bransfield for making this happen once again this year!


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