
Posted: March 10, 2017

Congratulations to our JV Girls' Basketball team who were recently crowned the ASD-N District champs!  They finish off a very succesful season and join our two Varsity teams who were also ASD-N champs.  A special thanks to coaches Tom Burns and Kim Stewart for coaching our winning squad! 

Posted: March 3, 2017

We would like to wish a happy March Break to our entire learning community.  May this week be a restul and enjoyable break and we all look forward to your return on Monday, March 13th!

Posted: February 28, 2017

Congratulations to our Varsity Boys' basketball team who were crowned ASD-N District Champs with a win over Max Aitken tonight.  Special thanks to our players for their efforts, parent support and of course our coaches, Mr. Barry Amos and Mr. Kyle Valanne!  Go Gators Go!!!

Posted: February 26, 2017

Our school girls' varsity basketball team were crowned ASD-N Varsity Girls' Champs with their recent championship win over Max Aitken with a score of 51-37.  A special thanks to coaches, Mme Judy Gallant and Mr. Troy Cabel for a very memorable season!  Our boys team will play in their championship game on Tuesday.

Posted: February 21, 2017

We would like to remind everyone that there is no school on Friday, Februrary 24th for all students.  This day is a designated Professional Learning day for all teaching staff. Enjoy your extended weekend Gators!

Posted: February 19, 2017

Congratulations to our school boys varsity basketball team who claimed the bronze medal in our first ever provincial tournament hosted by Gretna Green.  They played hard all weekend and won by one point in their bronze medal game over Sussex.  A special thanks to coaches, Barry Amos and Kyle Valanne for their dedication throughout the season.  We also want thank and congratulate Mr. Ryan and Mme Gallant for organzing this exceptionally succesful event for our school and Basketball New Brunswick!  Awesome job Gretna Green!!!

Posted: February 14, 2017

We are happy to announce that our school boys' varsity basketball team will be hosting provincials this coming weekend.  Games will take place on Saturday, March 18th and Sunday, March 19th. Come on out and support our team!  Mr. Ryan is also looking for volunteers to help out during the weekend.  If you are available please let him know, thanks. For a complete schedule please click on the sports tab on our school website. Go Gators Go!!! 

Posted: February 8, 2017

A special thanks to all students who signed up for our upcoming school talent show. Mrs Morehouse would like to remind middle level students to be ready for auditions on Monday, February 13th and elementary students on Tuesday & Wednesday, February 14th.  Our school talent show will be just one of the many cool activities we have planned for Winter Fest 2017 during the final week of school before March Break.

Posted: January 29, 2017

Let's make a snowman!  The winter season brings with it a variety of great activities to promote a healthy living style. Making a snowman is just one of them!  In an effort to promote healthy living at GG; we will be hosting a variety of outdoor activities for our students during the month of February.  To kick things off, we will be having a snowman building contest for the month of February.  Simply build a snowman at home and email a photo of your cool looking snowman to Mr.

Posted: January 10, 2017

Our school outdoor rink is up and going for another season. Thanks to the dads and granddads who made it happen once again this year!  The rink will be used during school hours by our students but is open to all students and GG Alumni after school hours too!  Mr. Comeau will also need some help to keep the rink snow free during the winter season.  If you are willing to volunteer a week of your time to be sheduled to snow blow the rink, if required, please email him at the following address,


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