
Posted: May 26, 2016

The entire GG learning community would like to thank the GG Drama cast and crew on their drama production of Beauty and the Beast.  It was so nice to celebrate all of the student talent that we have within our school.  A special thanks to Ms Bransfield for creating these special mome for our students and to Geoff McLean for assisting with audio!

Posted: May 22, 2016

Ms. Bransfield and her illustrious drama crew would like to invite our entire learning community to this year's drama production, Beauty and the Beast. The big show will be held on Thursday, May 26th at 6:30 pm.  Don't forget to bring some spare change as good will donations will be accpeted at the door in support of our playground fundraiser.  Thanks so much to Ms. Bransfield for another fantastic drama production!!!

Posted: May 20, 2016

Congratulations to our very own Kalli Worrell in Mme Dickson's grade 4 class.  For the second time in her life, she has donated 8 inches of her long hair to the Cancer Society.  Donations like Kalli's make it possible for the Cancer Society to make natural wigs for patients struggling with Cancer treatments.  Great job in paying it forward Kalli - you are an awesome Bucket Filler!!

Posted: May 19, 2016

Congratulations to our very own Kalli Worrell in Grade 4 Dickson.  For the second time in her life, she has donated 8 inches of her long hair to the Cancer Society.  Donations like Kalli's make it possible for the Cancer Society to make natural wigs for patients struggling with Cancer treatments.  Great job in paying it forward Kalli!!

Posted: May 16, 2016

The annual GG Fishing Debry begins today, Monday, May 16th and will run until Friday, May 27th.  Please record on your tally sheet each day that you have fished over the next two weeks.  For every day you've fished your name will go into a draw for some pretty cool fishing gear.  Remember, you are all invited to join us on Tuesday, May 17th and 24th at the Enclosure in Newcastle at 3:30 for an hour of fishing.  Have fun everyone and tight lines!

Posted: May 4, 2016

Our Home & School Fundraiser proved to be a great success in support of our new playground.  Close to 10 000.00 was raised and Jim Robinson from Napan was the lucky winner of our trailer donated by Lyndsay King.  Our top three fundraising winners were: 1st place: Brianna Walsh, 2nd place: George Cooper, 3rd place: Declan Carew.  Once again, on behalf of the GG H&S, thank you so much for your support!

Posted: April 23, 2016

The ASD-N STEM team would like to invite one and all to attend STEMfest 2016. This exciting, first time event will be taking place from 10am-3pm on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at Miramichi Valley High School.

Posted: April 23, 2016

The ASD-N STEM team would like to invite one and all to attend STEMfest 2016. This exciting, first time event will be taking place from 10am-3pm on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at Miramichi Valley High School.

Posted: April 20, 2016

The Gretna Green Home & School would like to thank everyone who have sold tickets thus far for this year's fundraiser.  Tickets and money can be returned the moment yout tickets are sold.  We also want to remind everyone if you have unsold tickets please return them to the school as others are looking to sell more tickets, thanks!

Posted: April 14, 2016

We would like to welcome our new kindergarten students of 2016-17 to GG on Monday, April 18th.  All current kindergarten students are reminded that there will be no school for them on on Monday, April 18th. This is necessary in order to accomodate the presentations and testing being done for our new kindergarten students joining us in the fall.


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