We would like to remind our entire learning community of our upcoming WinterFest Family Fun night being held outdoors at Gretna Green on Tuesday, February 26th from 6:00-8:00 pm has been cancelled due to weather conditions.
Our boys varsity basketball team defeated the Dr Losier Knights in district division finals on Monday. They now advance to the ASD-N Finals. Good luck to our players and coach McLean ... let's bring home the banner Gators!!!
We would like to remind all of our students in K-8 to please dress for the weather when coming to school. We do have outdoor recess for all students. Dressing for weather conditions will help make your outdoor recess during the winter months much more comfortable.
Bring in a toonie on Friday, January 25th and wear your favortie toque or hat all day! All proceeds go towards supporting our year end grade 8 field trip to Quebec.
Welcome back to all of our Gators as we get ready to make things happen in 2019. Please remember all students return on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 as Monday is a designated Professional Learning day for all staff.
We would like to remind everyone of our Christmas concert being held on Thursday, December 13th at 10:00 am. We would ask that you arrive no earlier than 9:00 am through the gym doors. Parking will also be available at the rear of the school after 9:15 am. Good will offerings wil be accepted at the door.