We would like to remind our entire learning community that our elementary drama production of the Nutcracker Prince is coming up on Thursday, December 5th at 6:00 pm in our school gym. Everyone is invited to attend this awesome production. There will be a good will donation box at the door; so please feel free to make a donation and help support our theatre arts program at Gretna Green!
All parents and guardians of grade 8 students are asked to attend an important meeting for our June field trip to Quebec city. It will begin at 6:00 pm sharp in our school library. The meeting will highlight the planned intenerary, schedule and costs. It will also give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding this planned field trip.
We would like to remind all parents and guardians that progress reports will be going home for all students in K-8 on Monday, November 18th. Parent-Teacher interviews will be held on Thursday from 4:00-6:00 pm and Friday 9:00-11:00 am. There will be no school for all students on Friday.
Basketball is in full swing for many of our Gators! On behalf of our entire learning community we would like to thank all of our coaches who have chosen to volunteer their time as our GG basketball coaches for the season. We could not do it without you!
We would like to remind our entire learning community of our school Remembrance Day ceremony being held on Thursday, November 7th at 10:00 am. Please use our gym door entrance if you are coming to join us. GG parents are invited to submit pictures of family veterans for our slideshow. Photos are to be submitted to keith.comeau@nbed.nb.ca by Sunday, November 3 at noon. Please include the veteran’s name and the relationship to the GG student (ie grandfather of Jane Smith). Previously submitted photos do not need to be re-submitted.
Happy Halloween Gators! A notice was sent home last week regarding this week's Halloween theme activities. Monday is Crazy Hair Day, Tuesday- Dress in Black & Orange Day, Wednesday- PJ Day. We will also be having a Halloween monthly assembly on Thursday at 1:15. Students may dress up for the assembly. Students will be given time prior to the assembly to get dressed up. Please do not come to school with your costume on ... Happy Halloween!!!
Our annual school fundraiser kicked off today! Expect your Gators to come home with tickets to sell on a 1000.00 prize of gas certificates along with a memo outlining the details of our fundraiser and list of prizes. All funds raised with your support will be desinated for student based projects throughout the year. Let's make this the best fundraiser ever!!!
We would like to remind all parents of our Home & School meeting tomorrow evening, Tuesday, October 22nd at 6:00 pm in the teachers' lounge. All returning members as well as new members are invited to attend!
As our elementary school soccer teams finished off their season on Friday our middle level players gear up for their playoffs this week! We would like to thank our coaches and players for doing such a fine job representing Gretna Green. Best of luck to our middle level teams as they play to bring home another banner!
As we approach our first official long weekend, we would like to extend a happy Thanksgiving weekend to our entire learning community. May you take this time with family and friends to celebrate all the goodness that surrounds you and give thanks!