
Posted: June 9, 2015

Check out this trailer to learn more about the upcoming Jalloo Animation Festival, featuring GG's NBCC-Miramichi collaboration game, Rescue the Turtle!  

Posted: June 9, 2015

Come to the Jalloo Animation Festival on Thursday, June 11, 2015!  The festival is open to the public from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at NBCC-Miramichi.  The festival will feature the Gretna Green - NBCC-Miramichi Video Game Collaboration's game Rescue the Turtle.  Visitors will be able to try our game, as well as several other interactive displays (drones, virtual reality, oculus rift, 3-D printer, etc).  Everyone is welcome! 

Posted: June 9, 2015

The Gretna Green - NBCC-Miramichi Video Game Collaboration has been hard at work.  Check out our alpha build of Rescue the Turtle!  

Posted: June 7, 2015

We would like to remind all of our students that the last day for our school breakfast program will be on Friiday, June 12th.  We would like to thank all of our parents and Home & School for thier continued support throughout the year for this wonderful program offered daily at Gretna Green!

Posted: June 3, 2015

A special thanks to Mme Gallant and some very supportive GG students who recently presented Mr. and Mrs. Hoban with over 500 000 tabs.  On behalf of the Lions Club the Hobans will be presenting these tabs to the local mount and will be used towards the allocation of a new wheel chair.  It takes approximately 1000 000 tabs for one chair.  Thanks again for all of your support!

Posted: June 2, 2015

Save the date!  The APEGNB Pumpkin Fling will be held September 26, 2015 at Waterford Green from 12:30 to 3:30 pm.  There will be lots of fun to be had by all!  Stay tuned for more information!

Posted: May 28, 2015

 On Wednesday, June 3rd, Gretna Green will be hosting the final ASD-N mountain bike race of the season.  It will begin at 4:00 with over a thousand dollars worth of prizes to be won, including two new bikes!  So mark this date on your calendars and come on out and join your friends for this great annual event.

Posted: May 28, 2015

 On Saturday, May 30th (8:30) at James M. HIll, JMH Alumni and Dr. Keating are providing a free one km Fun Run for kids to promote healthy activity in the community.  So come on out and enjoy the run and promote a healthy life style at Gretna Green!

Posted: May 25, 2015

Check out the most recent progress in our Rescue the Turtle in the Gretna Green-NBCC Video Game Collaboration!          

Posted: May 23, 2015

Congratulations to our grade 4 and 5 finalists who recently participated at the Croft Archery Tournament and shot very well.  A special nod goes out to Cole who took home second place honors in this event.  Great job representing Gretna Green boys and girls.  A special thanks goes out to Mr. Ryan for making this event happen for our students!


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