Our first ever fundraiser for the Breakfast program officially ended today. Over a two week period over $600.00 was donated in monetary donations in addition to well over 200 items to help support our school breakfast program. Our class pizza winners were also announced today. Mrs. Girouard and Mrs. Simmons' class both won a class pizza party for being top fundraising class during the campaign. Once again, thanks to each and everyone who made a contribution to our breakfast program!
The GG Peer Helpers just completed their two day training program alongside their peers from St Andrews Elementary. A huge thank you goes out to our own Mr Stewart and Ms. Colwell for overseeing this amazing program once again this year!
Anglophone North School District (Formerly School Districts 15 & 16) - Registration for children entering Kindergarten at Gretna Green in September 2013 will be held from October 9-12, 2012 at Gretna Green Elementary. Kindergarten registration is for children who will turn five by December 31, 2013. Medicare Card and/or Birth Certificate and Proof of Immunization are required at time of registration.
Meet our new principal and vice principal of the day. Mr. Adam Russell and his lucky brother Andrew were chosen to be our new administrators as part of our Terry Fox Fundraising Campaign. Over $400.00 was raised in the process. The Russell boys said they were happy to be selected and really thought being our school administrators was cool! Well done boys!
The past few days have been a testament to the extraordinary support we have within our learning community! Our entire office lobby area was literally filled with donated items of jam, apple juice and cheeze whiz in addition to numerous cash donations over the past week. Thanks to your care and generosity this food drive was a great success. Thanks again to all those who participated!
Wow, the response we have had from our breakfast program fundraiser has been phenomenal! We already have over 100 items collected in addition to numerous cash donations to our program. You should all be commended for stepping up and making a difference at Gretna Green! The fundraiser will end on October 3rd with a winning class being announced for both K-2 and 3-5 on October 4th. Simply click on the pie chart in this note for the latest class totals.
The Douglastown Lions have continued their annual tradition of supporting a grade five field trip once again this year. This year's adventure took our students to the Miramichi Fish Hatchery. The students thoroughly enjoyed their trip and this authentic learning experience. Thanks so much Douglastown Lions Club!
All students of Gretna Green were treated with "smiley cookies" today, compliments of Tim Hortons. It proved to be a tasty treat for all and it surely was appreciated! Thanks so much for the "sweet" surprise!!!