Mme Matchett Notes

classe de Mme.Matchett


Posted: April 5, 2021

Posted: April 5, 2021

Posted: March 15, 2021

Posted: February 21, 2021




*Monday:       Mix &MashMonday

                   mix your patterns and colors


*Tuesday:           Inside Out Day

                   turn your clothes inside out


*Wednesday:       Pink Shirt Day

                  wear a pink shirt for anti-bullying


*Thursday:                Backward Day

                      wear your clothes backwards


*Friday:            PJ & Crazy SockDay

                    Bring a $1.00 to help support SPCA




Posted: February 8, 2021

Posted: February 8, 2021


Image result for rene renard

Image result for emilie elephant

Image result for eve escargt

Posted: October 6, 2020

Mots de la semaine 1  

  •  j'ai
  •  je
  •  il
  •  elle
  •  ans
  •  le


Posted: May 11, 2020

Just a little note that their is a error/typo for le mot "etre" in the list for les mots de la semaine.  The correct spelling is être.

Posted: April 26, 2020

Hope that you and your family is having a great weekend and that everyone is doing well.  I would love to see pictures, or short videos, of what your child has been doing to keep busy. You can email those to me and I will make sure to post them on this teacher page.  It is a great way for students to see their classmates.

Posted: April 26, 2020

 Just a little reminder. In the reading website "Je lis, je lis" Don't forget to click the green square in the bottow right hand corner of the book when you are finish reading. This will help me track how many book that your child has read and it will also let me know when you need new books. 

Posted: April 16, 2020

I hope that you and your family is having a great week and that everyone is doing well.  I would love to see pictures, or short videos, of what your child has been doing to keep busy this week.  You can email those to me and I will make sure to post them on this teacher page.  It is a great way for students to see their classmates.

Posted: April 16, 2020

Just a little reminder. In the reading website "Je lis, je lis" Don't forget to click the green square in the bottow right hand corner of the book when you are finish reading. This will help me track how many book that your child has read and it will also let me know when you need new books. 

Posted: April 6, 2020

Just a little clarification, your child can choose a book of his/ her choice when reading a story from “Je lis, je lis” (3 to 4 time per week).


Happy reading
