Mme Matchett Notes

classe de Mme.Matchett


Posted: October 4, 2017

Welcome to another exciting week.  Your child will learn many new things this week and we will have a lot of fun along the way.

In French Language art we will continue working on the following question/oral structure:

  • Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? Aujourd’hui, c’est le lundi 2 octobre.

  • Quelle sera la date demain? Demain  sera le mardi 3 octobre.

  • Quel temps fait-il? Il fait soleil, Il pleut, C’est nuageux.

  • Quel âge as-tu? J’ai 6 ans.

  • De quelle couleur sont tes yeux? Mes yeux sont bruns.

  • De quelle couleur sont tes cheveux? Mes cheveux sont blonds.

  • En Quelle annnée es-tu? Je suis en première année.

  • Qu’est qu’il y a dans ta classe / sac à dos ? Dans ma classe, il y a …

Homework is a great way to reinforce skills as well as keep you updated with what we are learning in class.  This week, homework will be sent home on Monday to be returned to school by Friday.  

Students are encourage to read every night the book to be read this week in “ Qu’est qu’il y a dans ma classe.”  A math sheet is will also be sent home page     


Please be sure to check your child’s binder daily and our website weekly.  I will have important notes and documents on both.

You are invited to phone me or visit the school any time that you have a question concerning your Child's progress.  I will also keep you informed by sending home samples of your Child's work.   


 Mme. Paula Matchett   

Posted: September 26, 2017

Dear Parent’s

Just a little reminder that tomorrow Wednesday September 27, will be a half day of school.  Early dismissal will begin around 11:15 am.  Please send a note to let me know if your child will be picked up or taking the bus home.  Our school will also be supporting the Terry Fox foundation this week with a spare change drive. Our annual walk will be this Friday September 29 at 1:20 pm.  Friday will also be orange shirt day in recognition that Every Child Matters.



Students are encourage to read every night.  The book to be read this week is “De quelle couleur sont tes yeux et tes cheveux”  

In math we are working on representing numbers in different ways, and counting from 0-20 in French.

 Please be sure to check your child’s binder daily and our website weekly.  I will have important notes and documents on both.


                                                                                      Mme. Paula Matchett

Posted: September 17, 2017


Welcome to First Grade !!!                            Image result for school clipart




Welcome first graders! I am so excited that I get to be your child teacher this year. You won’t believe how much your son or daughter will learn and how much fun we will have along the way.



Homework is a great way to re-enforce skills as well as keep you updated with what we are learning in class.  As of this week, homework will be send home on Monday’s and return on to school by or on Friday.
