Posted: November 3, 2021
Mme Foran
Posted: November 2, 2021
Good morning! Please continue to follow the home learning PDF file for the links your child needs. You child has a new book assignment today in Boukili "J'aime Les Rimes". I have not added any new assignments in DuoLingo as none have finished the previous assignments. I have scheduled two team meetings for our class to make sure there is time that will work for most of our class. Your child can attend both meetings or just one it is up to them. The meeting notification is in our class teams general channel. If your child is unsure of what the general channel is, you can tell them it is where they chat. It would be a good idea for your child to try login into teams today and find the meeting notification to help us avoid any hiccups tomorrow. If you child has lost of misplaced their email or cannot remember how to login please reach out today and I can help:) HAPPY HOME LEARNING!
Posted: November 1, 2021
Here is the link to our online learning. There is no schedule as I want you and your child to complete the work whenever is best them and for you. Depending on how long home learning lasts I will attempt to video conference with the class so I can see them, they can see me and they will be able to interact with the class, please stay tuned for more info! I am available all day if you or your child have any questions.
Posted: June 14, 2020
Posted: June 7, 2020
Welcome to our final week of at home learning. Thank you once again for all your cooperation during this unprecedented time. This week there is no writing assignment, instead I am asking that all my students email me a short video clip to say hello, wish their classmates a great summer break and best of luck to our grade 5 students heading up to the middle school. I plan on putting together a class video to post on my teacher page for all the students to see.
Email –
Take care and stay safe
Posted: June 5, 2020
Arwa shares her plans for summer vacation.
Posted: June 5, 2020
Posted: June 5, 2020
Posted: June 1, 2020
I just want to again thank you for your continued support in the at home learning. This week I ask that you child choose a non-fiction book at their level that they have not read. If they have read them all they can re-read their favorite book and answer at least two of the reading response questions.
This week your child will be researching a city in New Brunswick and planning a trip to that city for their writing piece. There are more detailed instructions on this week’s lessons link bellow along with a link to the tourism NB web page. I am aware that many festivals and events are canceled due to COVID-19 but I ask that your child use info from previous years festivals to gather their information.
Have a great week and do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns. Again, please keep an eye on your email as I will be sending out an email to check in with some of you and as always I love to hear back and to get pictures for our page.
Take care and Stay Safe
Posted: May 23, 2020
Wow, it is hard to beieive we are on week 8 of at home learning. I want to thank all the parents and students for their continued effort and hard work! I miss all my students and love seeing pictures of them and all the fun activities they have been doing, please keep the updates coming:) I will be sending you an email this week to check in and see how things are going, please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or if everything is going great!
This week students have all been assigned a fictional story on raz kids along with reading responses. We are also finishing up our writing this week, there are links on the lesson this week to help your child finish their writing piece. Please forward me pictures of their completed writing or videos of them reading their pieces.
As always take care and stay safe!