Mme Lockerbie

Bienvenue en 2e année!

Posted: October 1, 2013

Les animaux

Here is a cute video to review the names of pets that we can find in our homes. 

Posted: September 30, 2013

 Dear Parents,    We will be starting a mathematics unit on increasing and decreasing patterns. Recognizing and analyzing patterns is an important part of mathematical thinking. Patterning concepts lead to work with algebra in higher grades. In this unit, your child will:  • Identify, extend, create, and compare increasing patterns. • Identify, extend, create, and compare decreasing patterns. • Find pattern rules. • Display number patterns on hundred charts. • Use patterns to solve problems. Patterns can be found all around us. Encourage your child to look for patterns around the home and talk about them. Here are some suggestions for activities you can do at home: • Look for patterns in your family’s activities as marked on a calendar at home. What activities do you do daily? Twice a week? Every week? • Use small objects like buttons or coins to make patterns that grow or shrink. Encourage your child to describe and extend the patterns. • Count collections of nickels and dimes by 5s and by 10s. Count pennies by 2s.   *** We will continue to work on numbers from 0-100 in order to be better prepared for our 2nd unit: Numeration. We will also work on Bar Graphs and Pictographs.  Mme Lockerbie      

Posted: September 30, 2013

Luc va à l'école

Here is a new song that we learned in class today.

Posted: September 29, 2013

This week in French, we will be talking about animals.  We will be discussing and describing pets that we have at home or pets that we would like to have.  We will also describe our pets’ temperament.  Your child is more than welcome to bring in a picture of their pet or a favorite animal that s/he  likes. They can share their picture with the class. Examples of oral structures that will be introduced this week :   J’ai un lapin.  Il s`appelle __.  Il a X ans.  Je n’ai pas …  Je veux avoir un ___ Mon animal préféré est  …  .  Il s`appelle __.  Il est gros.  Il a X ans.  Son corps est recouvert de ___ (poil, écaille, plumes).  Mon ___ a de petites oreilles et les yeux __.  Ses yeux sont ____, ses oreilles sont ___.  Mon animal est ____ …  (gentil, calme, excité, fidèle doux, heureux),  We will  make a class book about our animals this week to end our study on pets.  I feel that the students will love this part of the curriculum!  Finally, we will work on Thanksgiving vocabulary and learn new songs.  We will have a busy, but fun week!  

Posted: September 29, 2013

Les nombres 50-60

This is a good video to introduce numbers from 50-60. Please see other number videos on our site to practice numbers from 0-60. We will have a quiz on Friday on numbers 0-60.

Posted: September 26, 2013

Congratulations Tyra, Gracie and Amber for placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd place at the District Cross Country meet at Croft.  They won in the following category:  Grade 3 girls at Gretna Green.   Tyra (1st place) Gracie (2nd place) Amber (3rd place)   Mme Lockerbie and your classmates are very proud of...

Posted: September 26, 2013

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Posted: September 25, 2013

Posted: September 25, 2013

Posted: September 25, 2013


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