Posted: September 25, 2013
Mme Lockerbie
Bienvenue en 2e année!
Posted: September 25, 2013
Posted: September 25, 2013
Posted: September 22, 2013
Happy Monday! This week in Math we will continue to work on our numbers, up to 50. There are several web links on my teacher page to the numbers in French. We will also learn how to take a survey using tally marks, and how do make a bar graph and picto-graph. For example, students will ask their friends: "Quelle est ta couleur préférée? "(What is your favourite colour?). Then, they will tally the answers and colour in the bar graph. In French literacy, we will continue to work on our first unit called "Je suis unique" (I'm unique). Students are learning vocabulary to describe the five senses and the parts of the body. They will also learn to express their preferences and dislikes. We continually review learned language structures, adding to the list weekly. Here are a few new oral structures for the week:Qu’est-ce que tu aimes à l’école? (À l’école, j’aime la musique).Qu’est-ce que tu aimes? (J’aime mon chien).Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas? (Je n’aime pas la pluie).Qu’est-ce que tu adores? (J’adore les souliers). We will continue to learn a few new songs/ poems around this theme. Students will also continue to read thematic books with a partner on a daily basis. Have a great week everyone! Bonne semaine!
Posted: September 22, 2013
Les nombres 0-50
Posted: September 18, 2013
Les nombres 30-40
Posted: September 18, 2013
Just a reminder that the students will have a quiz on numbers 0-30 on Friday. Each Friday, they also have a spelling test on the words studied in class during Word Work. Presently, they are working on sight words. I do not send a spelling list home as the students practice their words in class through daily activities. Each night, students will continue to read a book seen in class and read the "sound of the day" sheet. They have seen and practiced all the vowels and are working on the "s " sound tonight. I'm very impressed with their reading so far! Wow! They will also need to review the poem/song of the week and their math sheet of the week. Keep up the great work boys and girls! *** Remember... The students will have a monthly homework calendar that is placed in their daily folder at the beginning of each month. Children are expected to complete their homework on a nightly basis. Mme Lockerbie
Posted: September 17, 2013
Les nombres 20-30
Posted: September 17, 2013
Les nombres de 0-100. (Listen and repeat)
Students can practice saying their numbers by clicking on a number, listening to the proper pronunciation then repeating what has been said. Please practice the numbers out of order.
Posted: September 17, 2013
A September newsletter was sent home explaining what we will be working on this month in Literacy and in Math. I will continue to send home a monthly newsletter in order to keep you informed throughout the year. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call me or email me. :)