Mme Lockerbie

Bienvenue en 2e année!

Posted: January 24, 2014

Les légumes

Posted: January 13, 2014

 We are starting a mathematics unit on addition and subtraction. Your child will develop strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers by using addition charts, mental math, estimation, Base Ten Blocks, place-value mats, and pencil and paper. In this unit, your child will:  • Recall basic addition and subtraction facts  • Identify and apply relationships between addition and subtraction  • Add and subtract 2-digit numbers  • Use mental math to add and subtract  • Estimate sums and differences  • Add and subtract 3-digit numbers We will have a weekly quiz to practice math facts and mental math strategies. The ability to use a variety of strategies to add and subtract leads to the development of a strong sense of number.Here are some suggestions for activities you can do with your child: • Play Store with your child. Price some of the items in your home in cents (for example, the cup of noodles costs 149 cents and the baguette costs 35 cents). You are the Shopper and your child is the Cashier. Have your child add the cost of the items you buy.  • Roll a number cube 4 times. Use the numbers rolled to make two 2-digit numbers. Have your child subtract the lesser number from the greater number. Repeat the activity. This time, roll the number cube 6 times and make two 3-digit numbers.    

Posted: January 13, 2014

Jouez au hockey

Posted: January 6, 2014

Bonjour parent(s), I would like to wish you all the very best for the New Year! I'm looking forward to seeing my students and hearing  about their holiday! In Language, we will be working on "Winter"  vocabulary and we will work on narrative texts.  We will focus on the Ideas writing trait. We will discuss what makes a good story (beginning, middle, end, details) and review the writing process (plan, write, revise, correct, edit, publish. We will also have Show & Tell (Montre et raconte) this week. All students can present a special object, picture etc. to their classmates on Friday! This will be done en français, of course!In math, we will complete our unit on Representing Numbers to 1000.                     
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Students wrote their first Christmas story on their own!!! Bravo les amis!

Posted: December 19, 2013

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Posted: December 19, 2013

Posted: December 19, 2013

Just a reminder that we will be having a Pizza Party for lunch tomorrow!  There will be pepperoni pizza and garlic fingers!

Posted: December 16, 2013

No homework this week!


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